Jennifer Taub Profile picture
Law professor, advocate, and author of books BIG DIRTY MONEY (Viking) and OTHER PEOPLE’S HOUSES (Yale Press).

Jun 18, 2021, 5 tweets

♥️ Congratulations, @eliehonig on the HATCHET MAN book launch. I’m out and about early, iced coffee in hand, telling everyone I see to buy your book. #MorningPerson #CityNeverSleeps #Vaccinated

That’s @PreetBharara roasting @eliehonig last night

Smiling again with friends

It’s not the most modest pose, but @paulinaporizkov and @jillmanipulator told me to lean into the camera. Who was I to argue?

Another highlight of the night was meeting @gtconway3d IRL.

It really is a fantastic book. I feel like I am in the court room with @eliehonig the introduction. Excellent Father’s Day present. Seriously

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