Authentic #blackconservatism has always had the fundamental and explicit goal of opposing white supremacy. — Kareim Oliphant #BlackConservative

Jun 20, 2021, 8 tweets

Happy Fathers Day to ALL the fathers (who handle their business every day).
And, yet never get nor covet the spotlight..

We see you.
We appreciate you.

.... They dust off all the ol' talking points (absent fathers, food-stamps) and, still they fail because they minimize the greatest attack on the black man in human history, the most devastating and ruthless attack on Black people -- ever: The Trans Atlantic Slave Trade

“With great fanfare, these conservatives declare the historic battle against racial caste to have been won. They go on to say that, but for the behavioral dysfunction of the black poor and the misguided demands...”


— Professor Glenn Loury

"A complex web of social connections and a long train of historical influences interact to form the opportunities and shape the outlooks of individuals. Of course, individual effort is important, as is native talent and sheer luck, for determining how well or poorly a person ...

... does in life. But social background, cultural affinities, and communal influence are also of great significance. This is the grain of truth in the conservatives’ insistence that cultural differences lie at the root of racial inequality in America."

Afro-Americans have to take collective responsibility for crimes in fucking Chicago -- while they take ZERO responsibility for 300 + years of racist culture and law (sanctioned racist laws) passed to break black people.

Give me a fucking break.

Fix your #whitesupremacy problem; or the global armies of #multiculturalism (and so many others) will fix it for you.

If you don't know, how - just call!

"If liberty is to mean ANYTHING, it MUST BE accompanied by JUSTICE."

-- Edmund Burke, The Irish
Father of Western Conservatism

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