Jawad Mian Profile picture
Tweeting about life and markets, which I submit to you are intertwined. Founder of Stray Reflections community. Author of https://t.co/887y4ZhFOy.

Jun 21, 2021, 7 tweets

This is the story of my father.

“He dropped out of school at fourteen. When most boys are busy playing sports or chasing after girls, he had time for neither.”


He made his first million by the time he turned thirty in 1979.


His famous trades: arbitraging silver, buying land during war, seeing China’s threat and ME!


Fulfilling his one dream.


The reasons for his success


Happy Father’s Day


This story is from the Stray Reflections book, which is 99% guaranteed to get you to re-examine your life.

(The rest is up to you). 👊🏼

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