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Reproductive Health | Men's Health & Wellness | Mandela Washington Fellow |

Jun 21, 2021, 5 tweets

Greatest muscles of your body

1. Sartorius - Longest muscle

2. Latissimus Dorsi - Broadest muscle

3. Gluteus - Strongest muscle

The stronger these muscles, the stronger your frame.

The workout that hits them all at once is THE SQUAT.


SARTORIUS is the longest muscle of the human body. It originates from the hip and inserts just below the knee. Its function is the flexion and rotation of your hips and knees.


Latissimus Dorsi is the broadest muscle which is located at your back. It is also known as the 'swimmers' muscle'.

It rotates and extends shoulder joints. It also depresses the shoulder blades. It helps in extension of the spine.


Gluteus are the strongest group of muscles in your body. They are 3

Gluteus maximus, Gluteus medius and Gluteus minimus.

They help you stand, walk, sit, climb stairs.

They play a very critical role in supporting your upper body weight.


People with unexplained backache or get severe muscle pain when they sit for long must begin engaging these muscles.

Squat is for every one (including women).

There are so many variations. You can also use your body weight as a start but must progressively add weights.

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