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Jun 21, 2021, 7 tweets

1] Fellow members of humanity....I've been cracking my head over something which seems to be a feature of Zimbabwean politics.

What exactly is the end game for Opposition politics?

Can an Opposition party exist and be useful, whilst accepting that it cannot win State power?

2] I say so, because I've become absolutely convinced that @DMwonzora is comfortable with just existing as an Opposition Leader.

The core Leadership of @OurMDCT is populated by fatigued yesteryear activists who for all intent and purpose, just want to co-exist with ZanuPF.

3] Rational disputational is for me, the intellectualization of a defeatist attitude which has engulfed MDC-T.

Baba Bertha is simply saying to Baba Collins, "you can go ahead & (rig)win all elections, but just allow us to exist".

They are clearly comfortable that way.

4] The PDF platform being "demanded" by the unelected lot in MDC-T & the POLAD of the defeated lot from 2018, seem to be new homes for fringe parties that can't win elections.

Prof Madhuku even publicly stated that the "POLAD should exist even after 2023 elections".

5] @mdczimbabwe on the other hand, is licking its proverbial lips, towards another electoral battle with ZanuPF.

This means they fancy their chances of winning & actually believe they exist to win State power and govern differently.

The distinction (based on action) is clear.

6] In the greater scheme of things, what makes sense for Zimbabweans?

Can those in the Opposition meaningfully contribute to democracy & development outside state power?

Should opposition parties without the electoral ability to defeat ZanuPF be entertained?

Are they useful?

7] Those questions are useful in understanding both previous & current political developments.

Has politics for some Opp players become an occupation?

What's the role of those who have succumbed to ZanuPF's "invincibility"?

And what should us who want ZanuPF gone do?


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