Diana Chan McNally Profile picture
Community Worker. Educator. DJ Automaticamore. Dipl. of CW BFA MA MEd. Mixed Race. She/They. Sincerity always.

Jun 22, 2021, 33 tweets

Come to Trinity Bellwoods. #encampment supporr/defense needed. Dozens of cops, security on standby. Fences being erected, stopping people from entering the park. 2 helicopters, 1 drone, horses. No spaces available indoors, according to S2H.

Bulldozers on standby, intel base for eviction operation on top of Bellwoods Community Centre. Thing is, #Toronto is waking up; if they clear now, everyone will see. CBC News, other crews here.

Tell me this isn't coercion, and a choice for unhoused people to come indoors. Dozens of security.

People who believe in #HumanRights peacefully defending people's homes, awaiting security and police to move in.

Hazmat suits.

They are building a fence around us. People will be able to leave from inside, but not come inside the fence once up. This way it can't legally be called 'kettling', an illegal tactic post-G20. 'Kettling Lite'.

This will be an all day, all night stand-off. The police mean to essentially 'starve us out', a classic military tactic. They are banking on us all leaving the fenced perimeter so that they can come in and enforce evictions.

Need to eat, use a bathroom? You have to exit the fenced perimeter to do so. Then security will prevent you from going inside again. They are withholding access to basic resources as a coercion tactic to force us into leaving.

We are gathering food, toilet paper for people. More will be needed. The City left us one portable toilet. Over one hundred people here defending #encampment residents' rights.

Cameras set up on cars, on the roof of Bellwoods Community Centre.

Want to know what I think? They will try to tire, starve us out, then move in to enforce after midnight, once we're technically "trespassing."

Anna Maria, who just arrived to defend #encampment residents' rights, was told by police she is trespassing by entering the fenced perimeter. It's a public park, in the daytime.

We were all just issued a trespass warning by a representative from @TorontoPFR. Fines of up to $10,000 could be potentially issued to all of us attempting to defend #encampment residents' rights who have requested support. Tell me this isn't coercion.

Good question. Also hoping portable cell phone chargers can be brought down here so that we can continue to bear witness!

A civilian is tearing down the fence. People coming inside the perimeter. This is public space; keep it public.

One arrest. Toronto Police 'Court Services' transportation vehicle stationed on Queen St. to criminalize people. Is this what #HumanRights commitment looks like, Toronto?

In need of sunscreen, toilet paper, cigarettes, portable cell phone chargers! Long day ahead.

Reports from fenced area in the north end of the park that pepper spray has been deployed. Unclear ir on purpose, possible accidental discharge. Police reinforcements are being sent to the south end of the park (where I am). Arrests may be imminent.

My former coworker Lindiwe and Bones came with freezies, cookies, water. Si many people coming with supplies. The community knows what's happening is wrong.

Outside the fenced perimeter, the crowd of supporters are shouting at police, "who do you protect?" Not poor people, and that is especially clear today.

Solidarity inside and out: people attempting to tear down the fence. Pepper spray in the air.

Zip ties now on the fence to prevent people from breaking down the perimeter.

People continue to hold the line and defend two #encampments of residents who have requested this support.

A lull right now. Negotiations underway for the 4 #encampment residents here for permanent housing. One is a 65-year old woman. This grotesque use of force in the south end of Bellwoods was to evict 4 people. 100s of encampments across T.O. A violent and unsustainable approach.

Negotiations still happening. And we are definitely good for water and snacks! Make sure folks outside the fenced perimeter have water and food too!

Cops coming. People are ready to defend.

I've moved outside the perimeter. Cops lined up and ready to use force.

Adding reinforcements. Hard to see, likely 60bpolice, another 10 out of frame. This does not need to happen.

Likely close to 100 police across two lines. Is this what a humanitarian approach looks like, @JohnTory?

Back inside. Police are plenty, but seem to be holding off. Defenders are supporting #encampment residents to pack belongings. Some residents offered housing, others like Jimmy (whom I've known for six years), will just move elsewhere outdoors.

Cops will not engage. But we need people outside the fenced perimeter to remember today is about the folks who live here. We all need to stay peaceful, for the residents. Lots of folks inside the perimeter are voluntarily leaving, just a few will stay to support packing.

Tentatively, this may be a non-violent end to an intense 12-hour day.

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