Slava Malamud Profile picture
Soviet-raised math teacher in Baltimore, formerly a sports writer. Atheist AF. Zionist AF. Slava Ukraïni. Telegram (in Russian):

Jun 22, 2021, 7 tweets

Watching another one of the Marvel films with my kid, I am absolutely appalled with the cavalier way these stories treat human life. As long as it's not one of the costumed fascist Ubermenschen, none of the millions of victims are ever mourned or given a spare thought.

Here is an idea for a Marvel film. Make it about this German cop, obligingly shooting the Romanian Uber Soldier precisely into the tiny area of his body where he can't be hurt.
Tell the story of why his years of training have failed him in this situation. Tell the story of trauma

Tell the story of what the second-degree concussion he suffered for this shot did to his brain. The nightmares, the headaches, the disorientation, the inability to work, the partial memory loss...

Tell the story of what this cinder block hurled at his chest with Romanian Iron Arm's super strength did to his ribcage.
Give a shoutout to Germany's socialized medicine, but by all means don't skip a single scene dealing with recovery from a shattered sternum and 10 broken ribs.

But who cares, right? The Aryan Shield and The Shrugging Atlas have an argument about whether rules of humanity are puny obstacles to be cleared with little or no fuss or slightly higher obstacles to be cleared with a token amount of reflective thought.

What, Fake Russian has something to say, too? I already have the Winged Token to nod along to my brilliance, let's not turn it into a Berkeley cafeteria, people!

Dr. Watson is here with the last two surviving cops in Germany to offer Aryan Shield and Romanian Iron Fist the one thing they both clearly need: a psych ward for the rest of their lives!!!
I have my new favorite character! Go, Watson!

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