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Jun 23, 2021, 10 tweets

#SCOTUS opinions coming shortly. Reminder: There are 12 decisions remaining — including voting rights, financial disclosure, student speech rights, and more. As always, we don’t know which or how many decisions are coming.

First #SCOTUS decision is in Lange v. California. Kagan has the opinion for the court, holding that police pursuing a fleeing misdemeanor suspect do not "categorically" have justification to enter a home without a warrant.…

It's basically a 7-2 decision, although there are some caveats there (see opinion and below). Roberts, joined by Alito, thinks the court goes too far, saying that flight is, itself, an exigent circumstance that would allow warrantless entry.

Second — and not final — #SCOTUS decision today is Collins v. Yellen (the Fannie/Freddie case). Alito has the court's opinion.…

Here's the key part on the constitutional question (Section III.B), and it's the part Kagan and Breyer do not join (Sotomayor didn't sign on to any of the majority opinion, so, she doesn't either.):

Breaking: Supreme Court rules 8-1 that a high school violated a student's free expression rights when it kicked her off the cheerleading team for off-campus speech.

Breyer has the opinion for the court. Alito, joined by Gorsuch, writes a concurring opinion (although they join Breyer's decision as well). Only Thomas dissents.…

At least one more opinion is coming.

Today's final #SCOTUS decision is Cedar Point Nursery v. Hassid. Roberts has the 6-3 opinion for the court, finding a taking in the case over a California agricultural regulation. Breyer, joined by Sotomayor and Kagan, dissents.…

With that, eight #SCOTUS decisions remain, including both the voting rights and financial disclosure cases. The next decisions are expected on Friday.

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