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Jun 23, 2021, 18 tweets

We are delighted to be joined by Sophia Frangou - @Frangougroup Argyris Stringaris - @argStringaris and Heather Whalley who will be discussing: Dimensional and Categorical Psychopathology in Youth: Cognitive and Brain


Presenter Profiles:

Sophia Frangou - @Frangougroup
Argyris Stringaris - @argStringaris
Heather Whalley - @heatherwhalley2


Taking this approach


Two studies will be discussed - ABC study and Imagen both have significant overlap at least conceptually

Imagen study we had 2000 young people


The results of this study the effect is more pronounced in different regions

Imagen study:


ABCD Study

-Diffused profile of brain organisation and the environment
-Negative effect on adverse perinatal brain activity


ABCD study

Psychological outcome – suicidality nearly 700 children had considered ending their life – looking at what exposures in the study associated with suicidality.


Parting thoughts from Sophia Frangou - @Frangougroup


Welcoming to talk now is Argyris Stringaris - @argStringaris


Basic challenges to psychiatric research in depression

-Active gene-environment correlation
-Passive gene-environment correlation
-Gene-environment interactions


Reward aberrations in humans


Longitudinal findings and specificity for depression


Depression definitions

There were 9197 depression types


Defining reward


Welcome Dr Heather C Whalley! who is speaking about the trajectory of brain structural development in young people at familial risk of mood disorder


Important: all individuals were well at the beginning and over time some became unwell


There are structural brain differences at baseline


Thank you to our speakers today Sophia Frangou - @Frangougroup Argyris Stringaris - @argStringaris and Dr Heather Whalley.

We hope you found the talk informative and educational as much as we did!


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