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Author of bestsellers Armed Madhouse + Best Democracy Money Can Buy + new film Vigilantes Inc. | (Out Sept 6)

Jun 23, 2021, 9 tweets

A little-noticed provision in #Georgia’s new voting restriction law, #SB202, threatens the rights of 364,000 voters.

The new provision signed into law in March allows private Georgia citizens to challenge an “unlimited” number of other voters’ ballots. #SB202…

The result is that hundreds of thousands of voters individually targeted by a conservative group from Texas may not have their ballots counted in next year’s crucial US Senate race and the expected re-match for the Governorship between #StaceyAbrams and incumbent Gov. Brian Kemp.

The Texas group, True the Vote, is working through 88 local challengers, mostly GOP operatives.

The champ of challengers is Pamela Reardon who is personally attempting to block 32,379 voters in Cobb County, an Atlanta suburb.

One voter Reardon challenged, Tamara Horne, told us that she had temporarily moved because she lost her job due to #COVID19 and had to sell her home, but that she had moved within the County and therefore remains a legal voter.

Horne was stunned that her right to vote was being challenged, stating: “This is the first I’m hearing about this. They never called me, never wrote me. I’ve been voting in Cobb for years. This is just unfair.”…

In a filmed interview at her home in Marietta, Reardon said she did not recognize a photo of Horne, claimed she did not recognize the name, never spoke nor wrote to her, yet claimed Horne was an illegal voter and her ballot should not be counted.

In fact, Reardon stated she did not speak to a single one of the voters she challenged. “I did not speak to the 32,000 people.”

#Georgia voters who've been challenged under #SB202 are supposed to get a postcard. Once notified, they need to go to the county clerk’s office to prove they are who they are & live where they live. How many of the 364,000 challenged will be able to take time off work to do this?

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