Charles Gaba ✡️ Profile picture
Healthcare data analysis, advocacy & snark 🐘 🐳 🧵

Jun 25, 2021, 6 tweets

📣 NEW: With Missouri apparently being the first state to see a major #DeltaVariant surge, I decided to run a SECOND county-level scatter plot to compare vaccination levels (left) versus new cases per 1,000 residents (since June 1st). Yowza.

It's impossible to make out most of the county names, but all 11 of the circled counties on the left can be found in the circled part of the blob on the right.

The 11 counties with the highest new case surges range from 23% - 32% fully vaccinated.

All 6 of the counties in the blue/purple regions range from 37% - 46% fully vaccinated.

I've only run the new case graph for one state so far.

FWIW, here's the raw data. The new case data is via Johns Hopkins University Center for Systems Science in Engineering @JHUSystems. "Fully Vaxxed" data is via the @CDCgov.

FYI, here’s what Putnam County’s rate (the highest rate in Missouri since 6/01) would look like per day if extrapolated out nationally.

📣 UPDATED (this actually includes *2* extra days; I changed it from "since 6/01" to "in June" which means using 5/31 as the starting date):

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