Hilary Abernathay #FBPDataEvidenceTruth Profile picture
Gvmt Policy: ditch evidence, data and economics. It's populism you mugs, no plans needed; no one cares if it works: no one cares if it got done. UK ⏩🍌Republic

Jun 25, 2021, 12 tweets

Collection of memes/ tweets produced about Matt Hancock.

A few are borderline sexist and almost all are crude, I found them funny anyway, you've been warned.

Before I start, some Tories are already saying that no Social Distancing rules were broken.
Lying is what they do!⬇️

Eat Out to Help Out is a general theme in many of the memes. Some are unambiguous about the point they're making.

A number point to Hancock's obvious hypocrisy

Many question Hancock's looks, suggesting that to have an affair, Gina must have other motivations or be otherwise affected.

Guidelines is a theme

As is Love Island

That his wife may have something to say is obvious, and who can object with a small shuffling back of Little Britain into acceptable, at least compared to Hancock.

Obvious but a chuckle

Where you've seen this before.

My runners up for best comment/meme
There is absolutely no rigorous or objective scoring process. I just like these, because they point at truths that everyone not in severe denial knows about this mafioso and corrupt Government.

My personal favourite award goes to @pearlylondon, who seems to summarise quite elegantly why Hancock is not fit for office.

And not for the theme of the day, but a host of other compelling reasons (see @GoodLawProject for why).

And on that subject, is someone at number 10 removing #Johnson's calendar appointment to fire #Hancock?

It's either that, or they just want us all to know that there is no line a Government Minister can cross to be fired.

So did the PM simply forget?⬇️

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