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Jun 28, 2021, 9 tweets

Gender equality in health means that everybody should have equal opportunities for realizing their full rights and potential to be healthy ⚧

WHO joins global leaders and activists at the #GenerationEquality Forum to #ActForEqual & accelerate progress

Without advancing gender equality in the health workforce, across communities and across the world 🌍 we cannot attain #HealthForAll


WHO has teamed up with @bmj_latest and @UNU_IIGH to produce a special series of the BMJ podcast, bringing together experts and advocates reflecting on progress 26 years on from the #BeijingPlatform

More info 👇…

Women and girls continue to face discrimination and marginalization, visible in pay gaps, especially in the health workforce, and the high prevalence of gender-based violence, including harassment.

We must #ActForEqual 💪

Noncommunicable diseases like rheumatic heart disease disproportionately affect women, particularly young adults, and the world’s poorest populations.

To achieve #HealthForAll we must centre the most vulnerable.

#COVID19 has further worsened existing gender inequalities.

At the #GenerationEquality Forum in Paris starting 30 June, WHO joins global leaders, civil society, youth, and activists in transforming words to action and #ActForEqual


We have seen progress for #GenderEquality in the 26 years since the #BeijingPlatform, recognition of women’s leadership in healthcare, reduction in maternal mortality & improved access to family planning.

But more work is needed.


Quality sexual and reproductive health and rights belong to everyone!
At the #GenerationEquality Forum, WHO commits to increasing the availability, accessibility, acceptability and quality of abortion and contraception services to support ♀ bodily autonomy

Female Genital Mutilation is a harmful practice, an extreme form of #gender discrimination, a violation of #HumanRights, and has no health benefits.

WHO supports efforts to #EndFGM.

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