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Director @RegAssistProj Board member @eceee_org @EUenergysavings Fellow @EnergyInstitute @theRSAorg Research @ecioxford @SPRU Cohost @WattMattersPod

Jun 29, 2021, 9 tweets

Major new German hydrogen study by @oekoinstitut for @StiftungKlima. Key role seen in industry, electricity system balancing, aviation & shipping. Very limited role for hydrogen in transport and buildings.



@oekoinstitut @StiftungKlima 2/6 Vehicles powered by fuel cells or synthetic fuels are non-competitive compared to battery-electric drives, even in the case of large passenger cars and high mileages. These vehicles could play at best a niche role with very low h2 prices and high electricity prices.

3/6 A somewhat more mixed picture emerges with regard to buses, rail transport and a share of long-distance heavy duty transport; in part, the relevant operating conditions beyond the cost calculation could play a role here.

4/6 Very limited role seen for hydrogen in heating buildings. It is driven by the significantly higher electricity needs of 3.9-5.2 times more than heat pumps.

5/6 This is reflected in the higher total cost of ownership of h2 boilers compared to heat pumps. The right-hand side of the graphic represents heat pumps, the left-hand side h2 boilers. This is despite the sky-high electricity prices in Germany and would change with levy reform.

6/6 The study identifies use cases in buildings where hydrogen could be competitive. Answer: Only if h2 prices are <€1.5/kg.

This study corroborates previous analysis by @fraunhofer_iee, @AgoraEW and @TheICCT done in Germany. International studies by @IEA @PIK_Climate @EU_ScienceHub @ETC_energy and national studies by @UCL_Energy @CREDS_UK @UKERCHQ also in line with findings.

I’m particularly pleased to see @oekoinstitut doing this important research as I used to work for them in 2005-2006!

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