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COVID19 in Ohio - both the state-published data, and the real life stories that data represents. Data is from Ohio's COVID19 website: https://t.co/UCZWXGcsb4

Jun 30, 2021, 6 tweets

Tuesday's new reported data again shows a bump in the near term probables. Right on time with the beginning of the work week. Purely coincidental, I'm sure.

We are now down to just 167 total cases per day for the whole state, just 1.90 total cases per county per day.

Confirmed cases in the last 7 days have also dropped to their lowest point, with just 98 confirmed cases per day.

⭐️ That's 1.11 cases per county per day.

Our new V-starts keep following the dropping trend - no wonder Gov. DeWine no longer wants to talk about COVID - there's nothing scary to report, and no good news about the Big V either.

See cleveland.com/.../end-of-an-…... for more info on that, and don't worry - he'll be back when the scariants come along.

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