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The latest news and updates on the work of The King, The Queen and The Royal Family.

Jul 1, 2021, 5 tweets

🌏 This morning The Queen and The Princess Royal visited the Edinburgh Climate Change Institute to learn about their work to combat climate change.

🚙 Her Majesty and Her Royal Highness arrived at @EdCentreCC, which is part of @EdinburghUni, by hybrid Range Rover.

☀️ The Queen and The Princess heard about the pioneering research on climate change and solutions.

🌊 They viewed a scale model of a @WaveEnergyScot device that generates electricity from wave energy. The real 8 meter long device is soon to be installed off the Orkney coast.

🎓 #DidYouKnow The Princess Royal has been Chancellor of The University of Edinburgh since 2011, a role previously held by The Duke of Edinburgh, who became Chancellor in 1953.

👫 Her Majesty and Her Royal Highness met representatives from the Children’s Parliament who presented The Queen with two trees.

🌳 The trees will planted as part of @QGCanopy to mark Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee.

💚 Her Majesty unveiled a plaque at @EdCentreCC to mark ‘the University’s renewed commitment to lead climate action both locally and globally’.

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