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I report what I see. If it's good, it's good; if it's bad, it's bad. Does not depend on me. Make them release more awesome stuff. Don't shoot the messenger.

Jul 4, 2021, 7 tweets

So in regards to the recent Chinese crash with video where AP exits roadway in sharp turns:
I long planned to do a demo of a similar condition but always forgot and I guess better late than never.
It's actually really easy to reproduce…

Find an (empty!) road with a sharp curve and point autopilot at it. For most safety ensure there's an extra space outside the curve so you can catch the car before it crashes into stuff and boom!
(this is 2021.4.18.3 btw)

Remember to always pay attention when on AP!

If you enable debug mode you see the car actually outputs various alerts before the eventual "take over we are giving up" (weird there was no diseng chime btw)
and it knows it cannot take the turn safely at those speeds, in fact it tries to lower speed but definitely not enough

What's interesting is that in about half the cases the car actually slows down just fine in my testing.

I am not really sure why (still did not look deeply at the telemetry) but I noticed that if you press accelerator a bit when it starts initial slowdown it's more likely to err

either way sometimes it points outwards even more sharply so I felt like I'd disengage even before any beeps, like this

I might add some telemetry view to this thread later if anything interesting turns up.

Remember to pay 100% attention while on AP as it's not very predictable

Here's telemetry view for that last instance.

sharp-eyed people might notice something fun when we drive in the wrong lane too. (RHD mode activated? Explains why once locked in a wrong lane car never self corrects to leave the obviously wrong lane)

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