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Jul 5, 2021, 8 tweets

#DRASTIC in Der Spiegel! Sehr gut, meine Damen!…
1. Paywall...some screenshots to follow

2. The mentions of our work

""Secondly, in the spring of 2020, a global network of internet researchers begins the search for the origin of the pandemic and uncovers astonishing details."

3. @TheSeeker268 mentioned

"In May 2020, a Twitter user with the pseudonym TheSeeker268 finds two scientific papers from China on the internet: a master's thesis written in 2013 and a doctoral thesis from 2016....."

4. Sceptical Internet Users ;)

"RaTG13 is the virus from which a short genetic sequence with the designation 4991 was isolated years ago in the copper mine..
Shi later admits this, only after sceptical internet users dug through genome databases & drew attention to the renaming"

5. Some "Drastic" members remain anonymous and cannot be identified in the great Spiegel...?

"Some "Drastic" members remain anonymous and can only be reached via a common email address."

Nice talking to you, Aleksander Sarovic!

6. Some of course are happy to talk

"Another is Gilles Demaneuf, who works as a data scientist. When a new epidemic emerged in the early 2020s, he "sensed something bad was coming". At that time, however, little was known about the new epidemic: "No one had the necessary data"

7. A podcast is available here

Das Rätsel von Wuhan…

8. The Anti-Spiegel

An amusing critique from Spiegel's Arch Enemy…

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