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Jul 5, 2021, 13 tweets

10 Chrome Extensions for Productivity

A Thread 👇

#100DaysOfCode #DEVCommunity #productivity

1. Google Translate :- View translations easily as you browse web

2. Grammarly :- Help with grammar, spelling and usage, wordiness, style, punctuation, and even plagiarism.

3. Momentum :- Replace new tab page with a personal dashboard featuring to do, weather, and inspiration

4. BlockSite:- Stay Focused and block the sites which affects your productivity

5. Dark Mode:- Helps you quickly turn the Browser screen to dark mode

6. Todoist :- Daily work organiser

7. Buffer :- Schedule content for your social media posts

8. Diigo :- It allows you to bookmark, archive, screenshot, and markup anything on the web

9. Un-hook:- Block Youtube Recommended Videos and even side videos & comments as well

10. Video Downloader Professional :- Download Video from web sites or just collect them in your video list without downloading them

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