C H I E F, the NuriaStore Bookseller Profile picture

Jul 6, 2021, 12 tweets

Here is a list of books that should be read again and again:

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7 Habits of Highly Effective People

by Steven Covey

Covey believes that the way we see things in the world is entirely based on our own perceptions and beliefs. So In order to change something we must change our selves and even the way we see things.



Atomic Habits

by James Clear

The book teaches us the importance of building constructive habits, and provides a clear cut framework on how to remove areas of inefficiency and resistance from your own life.

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Can’t Hurt Me
by David Goggins

Captures a lifetime of battles ranging from abuse & dysfunction to the ultimate battle that exist inside our minds. Over the course of David's life, he has been able to flip negatives into victories & reach down deep to defy odds.


From Zero to One
by Peter Thiel

People will also not buy the same kind of products every time, they will expect something new & their demand will increase for the things which are indeed new so if we invent something new then eventually there will be an increase in demand


How To Win Friends And Influence People

by Dale Carnegie

Most people trying to win others to their way of thinking do too much talking themselves.
Let the other people talk themselves out.
They know more about their business and problems than you do.



The Compound Effect

by Darren Hardy

There is a difference between learning and studying. Learning leads to knowledge. Studying a topic means you are invested in it and try it out. The world already has tons of knowledge.



The Four Agreements
by Don Miguel Ruiz

While sometimes the agreements are oversimplified, this is still a great little book with some heavy ideas. Focusing on any one of the said agreements can greatly improve your life and decrease stress.

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The Psychology of Money
by Morgan Housel

A very well-written book about the subjects of saving money, creating wealth and happiness, because money actually creates time for one who has it and that in turn creates happiness.


Thinking, Fast and Slow
by Daniel Kahneman

A book about how two systems — intuition and slow thinking— shape our judgment, how we can effectively tap into both. Using principles of behavioral economics, how to think & avoid mistakes in situations when the stakes really high

Thinking, Fast and Slow
by Daniel Kahneman

A book about how two systems — intuition and slow thinking— shape our judgment, how we can effectively tap into both. Using principles of behavioral economics, how to think & avoid mistakes in situations when the stakes really high


The Millionaire Next Door

by Thomas Stanley

This book focuses on critical financial aspects. How to save money, economical spending habits and passing on wealth to future generations like millionaires do. With the real-life stories of Millionaires

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