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Jul 7, 2021, 5 tweets

#BREAKING "Alleged assassins" of Haitian president in custody, says government minister

#BREAKING Four 'mercenaries' killed, two arrested after Haiti president assassinated: police

#UPDATE Four "mercenaries" have been killed and two taken into custody after the assassination of Haitian President Jovenel Moise, police say, adding that officers are conducting an operation in the capital Port-au-Prince.

📸 The attack took place at the presidential residence

Haitian First Lady Martine Moise was injured in the gun attack that killed her husband President Jovenel Moise. First treated at a local hospital, the first lady was then rushed to the Ryder Trauma Center in Miami.

Interim PM Claude Joseph says she is now "out of danger"

Haiti police hunt down president's assassins as uncertainty grows.

Haiti's ambassador to Washington, Bocchit Edmond, says the killers were "professional" mercenaries disguised as US Drug Enforcement Administration agents

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