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People and organisations around Europe fighting to cut fossil fuels out of politics! Join in Brussels, Europe & beyond. #fossilfreepolitics

Jul 8, 2021, 9 tweets

New report from @FossilFreeEU & @corpwatchers:

How the the fossil fuel industry hijacked 🇫🇷🇪🇸🇮🇹🇵🇹 recovery funds through #lobbying for #hydrogen!

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The #fossilfuel industry is a big winner in the EU's 'green' recovery package, thanks to fierce lobbying in 🇪🇺🇮🇹 🇪🇸🇫🇷 🇵🇹 for its current techno-fix climate solution: hydrogen & renewable gas.
A fossil-free recovery needs #FossilFreePolitics…

In 🇮🇹 spending on hydrogen ⬆️300% between drafts thanks to fossil fuel #lobbying for 'blue' fossil #hydrogen - before the Commission reined it in. Fossil hydrogen projects are still expected to be funded through an 🇮🇹 'complementary fund'

#RecoveryWatch 🔍
🇫🇷 & 🇵🇹 have only recently found their love for #hydrogen, thanks to concerted #fossilfuel lobbying.
Both countries have been criticised by 🇪🇺 for not building enough renewables to ensure it is 'green' #hydrogen 🤔

The oversized role for #hydrogen in the 🇪🇸🇮🇹🇵🇹🇫🇷 recovery plans is thanks to intense #lobbying 👥 efforts by the #fossilfuel industry, shows new #RecoveryWatch report

The fossil fuel industry has been lobbying equally hard on recovery funds at the EU level as at national level.
Many 🇪🇺 lobby offices are using the #revolvingdoor and hiring ex-EU staff to provide better access to decision makers 💥

The #FossilFuel lobby was v active in 🇮🇹 around EU recovery funds:
🛢️ 💯+ meetings with ministers + officials.
🛢️@Eni @EnelGroup @snam accounted for half
🛢️Attended a dozen parliamentary hearings
🟢Proposals fully endorsed by 🇮🇹 Parliament

Freedom of Information requests have revealed that high-level @EU_Commission staff and the EU Recovery Task Force team have been regularly sharing platforms with the oil and gas industry, as well as encouraging their participation in the recovery funds.

#COVID19 showed up the lack of structural investment in the health care system 🏥🛌🏻
Yet more from 🇪🇺recovery funds is being spent on hydrogen and renewable gas than:
🇮🇹 Intensive Care Units and medical equipment
🇪🇸 the national health system

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