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Jul 8, 2021, 9 tweets

#BREAKING UN envoy to Haiti says police have surrounded suspects in president's assassination

#BREAKING One American among 6 held over Haitian president's assassination: minister

#BREAKING Haiti president's guards to be interrogated after asassination: prosecutor

#BREAKING 26 Colombians, 2 Americans behind Moise killing: Haiti police

#UPDATE At least 28 people carried out the assassination of President Jovenel Moise, Haitian police say, adding that 26 of them were Colombian and two were Americans of Haitian origin.

📸 A crowd surrounds a police car transporting two suspects in the assassination of Moise

A 28-member hit squad made up of Americans and Colombians assassinated President Jovenel Moise, Haitian police say, adding that eight are still at large

📸 Two suspects in the assassination of Moise are detained by police in Port au Prince

#BREAKING Taiwan says Haiti police arrested 11 assassination suspects on its embassy grounds in Port-au-Prince

#UPDATE Taiwan says 11 of the suspects in the murder of Haiti's President Jovenel Moise were arrested on its embassy grounds in Port-au-Prince, after security discovered a group of armed men had broken into the property.

The embassy gave permission to police to enter the grounds

VIDEO: Haitians 'appalled' at president's assassination.

A crowd gathers outside a police station in Port-au-Prince, where suspects accused of being involved in the assassination of Haiti President Jovenel Moise, are being held

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