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@eNCA Reporter & Anchor || SAT Weekends 6-9pm|| Nat Nakasa Award Nominee || IMF Fellow ||Sanlam Financial Journalism Award Winner Heidi.giokos@enca.com 🇬🇷🇿🇦

Jul 8, 2021, 5 tweets

BREAKING: South Africa has vaccinated over 4 million people. As of 5pm 8 July 4,017,432 people have received the #Covid19 jab.
Another all time high, 191,833 people were vaccinated today. #VaccineRolloutSA

Government has also increased details on its dashboard.
Vaccines administered in last 24hours:
J&J= 13,938
Pfizer vaccines= 177,885
The dashboard now also shows how many second doses of Pfizer vaccine have been administered. #VaccineRolloutSA

So far:
2,763,464 people have received the first dose of the #Pfizer vaccine.

378,403 have been fully vaccinated in SA with both doses of the #Pfizer vaccine.

395,626 J&J national programme (education staff,law enforcement)

479,949 J&J (Sisonke Trial Healthcare workers)

Registration on the Electronic Vaccination Data System shows that in the last 24-hours 67,168 50-59 year olds registered for the vaccine.
60+ 23,800 registered for the jab. #VaccineRolloutSA

Graph shows that more 60+ have registered on EVDS. Given it opened up way before cohort 50+
But 50+ registrations is picking up significantly. Remember one must register for the vaccine be it before or at the site before they get the 💉
5m in total registered

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