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Esoteric Catholic fatherhood. #acks #dnd #brosr

Jul 9, 2021, 6 tweets

I sense elfland is a reflection of our imagination somehow made real. It arrives at twilight as this may be when the minds of men wander.

Similar to neverland second star to the right and then straight on till morning.

#dnd often quantifies the concept of “belief” power similar to how KoED can be read, or Poul Anderson’s “the broken sword”. In the latter the Aesir and fey are dying off due to baptisms and allegiance to the White Christ.

And imagination can be an uplifting dream (the titular “daughter”of the king of elfland) or dangerous nightmare (the changeling kin slayer in “the broken sword”). Same as how Peter Pan seems a romantic figure yet laughs at how the mermaids threaten to murd3r Wendy.

I think Dunsanny &d1sney captured this tension perfectly. #dnd may quantify “belief” power in way that seems a bit simplified. But we can’t deny the invisible world exists &sometimes reflects in our imagination. Let ur mind wander 2 elfland but 🐝 careful &keep ur rosary in hand

The last proper Star Trek TOS film uses the Peter Pan like thus confirming my theory that outerspace was simply a new elfland hollywood was crafting for us. A bleak sad one with no Christian influence (the opposite in fact)

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