Michelle Cohen, MD Profile picture
rural Ontario family doc | writer | @QueensU family med | @WomenOMA | she/her | tweets all mine | find me @DocMCohen in other places

Jul 13, 2021, 12 tweets

Dr. Charles Hoffe tells Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson that after vaccination it’s “absolutely inevitable that blood clots will form” and that “spike proteins will predictably cause blood clots… it is guaranteed.”


Hoffe’s proof? He’s doing D-dimer tests for pts vaccinated in the past 7 days and claims 62% are positive. D-dimer is a test to investigate blood clots.

D-dimer is ALSO a test that will be false positive for roughly ½ of ppl who take it. It’s a notoriously useless test.

Let me be clear: Hoffe's many claims are pseudoscience.

He uses medical terminology and sounds very technical and erudite, but there’s logic missing in much of what he says and it can be hard to pick up on that without - for example - knowing what a D-dimer is.

Hoffe has claimed (along with other MDs) to be undergoing “silencing” or “canceling” to hide the “truth” from the public. He’s contributed to the explosion of misinfo that fuels COVID vaccine hesitancy.

So who is Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson?

Her podcast Laura Lynn & Friends has platformed many a COVID denialist over this past year. She's also prolifically connected on social media - Parler included obvi.

And don’t forget to visit her store and stock up on some merch!

In case you had any doubts about Laura Lynn's politics, her Twitter makes it REAL CLEAR.

Other notable Laura Lynn & Friends guests include Amanda Vollmer, who it seems is STILL calling herself a naturopath despite receiving a cease & desist from the College of Naturopaths of Ontario last year.

You may remember Vollmer from early in the pandemic when she invited people to her store in violation of public health orders because “germs don’t cause disease.”

Of course, I didn’t have to scroll far to find a far right politician in the Laura Lynn & Friends catalog.

Here’s Maxime Bernier. And here’s the rest of his “End the Lockdown Caucus” posing for what I can only assume is their debut album cover.

I’ll finish this thread by the tying the ends together.

One of the videos Hoffe and his fellow anti-vax MDs participated in makes false claims such as the classic “masks trap CO2”, but also newer misinfo like “mRNA vaccines are gene therapy.”

Note from the article linked above who two notable amplifiers of this video were.

None other than End the Lockdown Caucus band members and prominent spreaders of COVID misinfo, Randy Hiller and Derek Sloan.

Vaccine hesitancy has a political aspect that we seem to shy away from discussing in Canada.

I see American media starting to reckon with the impact of Fox News and its many imitators on attitudes towards vaccines, and I think we could use a similar analysis here.


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