Michelle Cohen, MD Profile picture
rural Ontario family doc | writer | @QueensU family med | @WomenOMA | she/her | tweets all mine | find me @DocMCohen in other places
Nov 3, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
This story is unbelievable and infuriating.

While @fordnation was mostly fumbling the COVID vaccine effort in 2021, @DrElaineMa organized a massive vaccination drive in Kingston.

Now @ONThealth is punishing her using the most inane bureaucratic technicality you can imagine. Would @ONThealth rather have paid for the hospital admissions of people who couldn't access vaccines?

Are they really so shortsighted as to not understand how much the $600K spent vaccinating Kingston residents through @DrElaineMa's heroic efforts saved in health care costs?
Nov 26, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
A good overview of the new anti-vax documentary and the rise of #DiedSuddenly propaganda by @crackedscience mcgill.ca/oss/article/co… I did a thread earlier this year on one of the pieces of pseudoscience that prop up #diedsuddenly and similar anti-vax disinfo
Oct 27, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
From the big picture thinkers at CAERS (Canadian VAERS) comes a radical new idea: what if elders dying of COVID is good actually? Nowhere is the contrast between values and science more evidToday, many people have never witnessed the death of an anim I mean, did we ever stop to *ask* elderly people if they wouldn't mind dying a little bit for the economy?
Oct 17, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
UPDATE: the made-up number of Canadian doctors killed by COVID vaccines is now increased to 80.

The new number represents ANY death under age 70 since Dec 2020...out of a total of 92,000 doctors in Canada. 🧐 Vaccine Choice Canada tweet...Screenshot from Bright Ligh... In a global pandemic that triggered a health care system collapse where doctors and other HCWs were exposed to the virus and struggled with the bomb set off in their workplaces, it's obviously vaccine murder because nothing else could be possible.
Oct 16, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
The solution to a wave of respiratory illness isn't making ppl get sick to "boost" their immune systems.

Just like the solution to widespread dysentery wasn't to make ppl drink dirty water as prevention.

We need to clean our indoor air just like we learned to clean our water. You can only blame lockdowns for respiratory illness for so long. It sounds nonsensical enough in 2022, it will only get more ridiculous as time goes on.

As some point health care needs to decide if it's on the side of sickening ppl or keeping them well.
Sep 29, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
I have never heard of the kind of massive COVID workplace outbreaks that my patients are now telling me about DAILY.

Entire departments struck down. 20+ people affected at a single workplace. This is a new and horrible phase we're in. No. I've been through >15 cold/flu seasons in health care and I have never heard about workplace outbreaks to this extent and so frequently.
Aug 24, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
This article gets written roughly once/yr in Canada by my estimation.

It will be posted by ppl who say things like, "only N. Korea has a system like Canada's!"

It's fuel for the empty dichotomy "for" or "against" privatization that takes the health care debate nowhere useful. National Post headline:  Th... This poll shows that Canadians "should be allow to spend their own money for the health care they want."

Guess what: everyone but the poorest ppl in Canada are ALREADY doing this.

You've probably paid privately for some form of health care in recent yrs (if you can afford to). The right-leaning think tan...
Jul 22, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Common idea in anti-vax/denialist spaces. The Impoverished Truth Teller with nothing to gain.

Except for the money to be made hawking supplements or the influence to be gained becoming a "heterodox" media figure.

Just forget about those parts and it's all Truthy Martydom. 🤡 Meme with white words on a dark background:  Those of use wh Just hurting for the Truth. What a burden.
May 9, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
Another of Canada's very few female cardiac surgeons has filed a human rights complaint alleging gender discrimination. By @robyndoolittle.

Short 🧵on sexism in Canadian medicine
theglobeandmail.com/canada/article… You may remember this story from a short time ago. By @cfrangou about Irene Cybulsky, who was despised by the department of male cardiac surgeons she was leading, seemingly for the audacity of being in charge while also being female.
May 7, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
OMFG, the things people will say with their full, blue-check name attached. Just say you hate fat people and then you won't have to embarass yourself by pretending you know *anything* about PCOS. Just my personal opinion, but I think this model is 🔥
Mar 12, 2022 34 tweets 13 min read
For many ppl – me included – it was a shock when the pandemic sparked an affinity b/w wellness culture and the far right. The two seemed opposites, what common ground could there be?

The truth is wellness & fascism have more than just a modern connection.
Settle in for a long🧵 Screenshot of the title image of a Guardian article. It's ca We think of wellness culture as nature-loving hippie liberalism originating in the 60s. This image clung even as wellness grew into $-driven industry by the 90s.

But Boomers didn’t create wellness, it goes back to the 19th C and shares elements with the 20th C worst ideologies.
Oct 13, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
Prominent anti-vaxxer and PPC candidate Mark Friesen is reportedly in the ICU with COVID.

Here he is last month with far right media figures Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson and Tyler Russell. Image Here's Thompson platforming BC doctor Charles Hoffe while he doles out some pretty awful vaccine misinfo.
Sep 6, 2021 5 tweets 3 min read
Quick backgrounder on semen retention, because apparently this is the world we live in now.

The idea of semen having mystical and health qualities relating to masculinity goes back to the Middle Ages. No really. Read this very interesting (and extremely well timed for the Canadian election - ty!) blog by medieval scholar @GoingMedieval
Sep 3, 2021 8 tweets 3 min read
@HNHealthUnit's newly appointed public health lead has spent much of the pandemic wishing we could be more like Sweden or Florida. ImageImageImageImage The food shaming was just a bonus, I guess.

Public health is all about shaming people into making better choices, amirite?
Aug 19, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
What's it called when you QT a question, but then block the person so they can't see it or answer you?

Cowardice? I'm going with cowardice.

And, Warren, you absolute fool, the Morgentaler decision has NOTHING to do with Catholic hospitals. I'm actually embarrassed for you. 🤦 Next time I hear about Catholic hospital denying reproductive care I'm going to ask them in my haughtiest tone if they know about the Morgentaler decision. That should work out great, according to Warren.
Aug 19, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
Reproductive health advocates in Canada have been talking for DECADES about how the primary issue is ACCESS, but the strawman argument is that we are still debating the law.

So, ok, let's talk about some laws. Let's talk about the Atlantic provinces, which have restricted abortion in violation of the Canada Health Act, which, if you recall, is totally a law.

Ottawa has done nothing but make empty threats, so yeah, I want to talk about this LEGAL ISSUE during a federal election.
Aug 19, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
There is no law. Just a HC service that's hard to access outside of cities and gets restricted on the whims of provincial Premiers.

But ok, sure, don't ask politicians address abortion inequity during an election. Pundits who don't work in HC assure me it's not an issue so🤷 It's a settled law folks! Don't ask any questions!
Jul 13, 2021 12 tweets 5 min read
Dr. Charles Hoffe tells Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson that after vaccination it’s “absolutely inevitable that blood clots will form” and that “spike proteins will predictably cause blood clots… it is guaranteed.”

MISINFO THREAD Hoffe’s proof? He’s doing D-dimer tests for pts vaccinated in the past 7 days and claims 62% are positive. D-dimer is a test to investigate blood clots.

D-dimer is ALSO a test that will be false positive for roughly ½ of ppl who take it. It’s a notoriously useless test.
Feb 23, 2021 8 tweets 3 min read
When I say that confusion is a tactic, I don’t mean that the Ford government is rubbing its hands with glee as it crafts misleading messaging. The communication failure is much more subtle than that.
🧵 thestar.com/opinion/contri… We need to remember the toll it takes on people to constantly have to figure out what the new info is, where the real facts are and how to navigate the system. thestar.com/opinion/contri…
Feb 11, 2021 17 tweets 8 min read
Let’s talk about a common, problematic way that we conceive of “health.” Too often we equate the absence of illness with morality. This leads down many bad paths both on a personal and a policy level.

We need to be reminded periodically that health is not a moral virtue.

THREAD Diet & lifestyle are probably the most commonly moralized ideas around health. How many times have you heard disparaging comments about “lazy” people who “pop pills”? The notion being that meds are an easy substitute for the hard work of eating “clean” and exercising.
Oct 30, 2020 14 tweets 11 min read
A thread about things male doctors have said to me about the #GenderPayGap and sexism in medicine.

"I do not think the FFS system discriminates against female physicians. I believe it discriminates against all physicians who are taking the time to practice medicine properly" ImageImage "If women are only working 4.7% less hours per day, then the only possible explanation for the majority of the 30% difference in FP pay and the 40% difference in specialist pay can be due to seeing less pts per day... There is no other way to explain this." ImageImage