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Scottish Covid-19 Travelling Stats Cat! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🦠🌍🐈

Jul 13, 2021, 14 tweets…

There were 50 new deaths from the virus reported throughout the UK today, which is the highest in a day since early April.

Also I've included a thread below covering some of the figures over the past week! 👇

#Covid19UK #coronavirusuk #DailyCovidUpdate

First, here are some figures on cases, which you can see are still rising quite a bit.

They are currently rising fastest in England, and falling only in Scotland. England will likely overtake Scotland to have the highest 7 day specimen case rate within the next few days

At a more local level, the North East of England has the highest case rate by some distance.

The North West has slowed down quite a bit and looks like it is going to start falling soon, but every other area of England has had at least a 30% increase from last week

Globally there have been just over 3 million new cases this week, which is up 13% from last week.

The increases have mostly been from Europe, but North America (well basically just the USA) has seen quite a large jump too.

Deaths in the UK are still rising, but thankfully still at a relatively slow rate, at least compared to cases.

We're now averaging 30 new deaths a day. Which is of course better than 1,200 a day (January), but worse than 6 a day (May).

Unfortunate these will continue to rise

Globally there were just over 54,000 new deaths reported in the past week, which is about the same as last week.

Deaths are still highest in South America, but they are falling quite rapidly there now, which is good to see!

The number of people in hospital and ICU/ventilation in the UK continues to rise quite a bit each day, although we're still at quite low levels in comparison to previous waves.

Still, every new inpatient puts pressure on the NHS, so these increases are not good

Vaccinations, both first and second doses, continue to slow down.

We're now averaging around 240,000 doses a day throughout the UK, which is the lowest amount since we started getting daily vaccination figures back in January

But in total we've done fantastically!

Unless we open vaccinations to under 18s, its looking like we'll probably reach our peak at around 70% of the population, or 75% at a stretch.

Wales seem to be storming away with second doses now, just as they did with first doses before

Globally, just over 200 million new doses were administered this week!

Canada are still doing fantastic, as are a lot of other countries right now.

Europe and North America are about the same on first dose coverage now, although North America are ahead on second doses.

At this rate we could double vaccinate 70% of the planet by March 2022. Although that is a big 'could'.. I imagine boosters shots will complicate matters.

And finally there were 131 new deaths reported this week which mentioned covid on the death certificate. This was up from last week, but not hugely so

Excess deaths were also up a little, but still in the negative, and below where we'd expect them to be for this time of the year

Anyways that is all! I think all eyes on cases right now..

The rate of growth is slowing down, as you can see from this chart from the UK gov dashboard. But who knows what effect the Euro final and freedom day will bring.

Hospitalizations and deaths tend to lag behind cases by a couple of weeks. So the fact that cases are still rising right now means that hospitalizations and deaths will likely still be rising for the foreseeable future, unfortunately.

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