🕊 Seb Duyck - @duycks.bsky.social 🌍⚖️ Profile picture
Senior Attorney - #ClimateJustice & right to healthy environment at @CIEL_tweets | demystifying international law, one emoji at a time | Dad * Opinions my own

Jul 14, 2021, 9 tweets

🔥🔥Today 🇺🇳Human Rights Council #HRC47 adopted with overwhelming support a resolution on #HumanRights & Climate.
This paves way for continuation of OHCHR & Council’s work on climate - but this fails to constitute a step change in Council’s response to climate crisis
A thread🧵👇

2/ All #HumanRights institutions recognize that climate crisis poses systematic threat to enjoyment of human rights. UN Human Rights Council has adopted 11 resolutions on the issue. Yet these do too little to orchestrate proper response matching the scale & urgency of the crisis

3/ The resolution, tabled by Bangladesh, Philippines & Viet Nam, was adopted today after all hostile amendments put forward by Russia were rejected. ALL other states voted in favour of the resolution demonstrating that consensus remains (Russia only abstained but did not oppose)

4/ As highlighted by the Ambassador of the Marshall Islands Doreen De Brum @Jabkanira, the opposition by some States to strengthen the response of the Human Rights Council proves their detachment from the reality and the emergency.

5/ The most significant paragraph in the resolution encourages the consideration by the @UN_HRC Human Rights Council of opportunity to establish a UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights and Climate Change - echoing a demand by CSOs, Indigenous Peoples & most impacted States.#HRC47

6/ States at forefront of climate change have called upon the Council to establish such a Special Rapporteur under the leadership of the Climate Vulnerable Forum @TheCVF led by its former chair 🇲🇭Marshall Islands & current chair🇧🇩Bangladesh
📄 thecvf.org/our-voice/stat…

7/ 📢Civil society & Indigenous Peoples organizations have asked for the establishment of such a mandate for over 10 years, with over 400+ organizations writing an open letter urging the members of the Council to act at this #HRC47 session of the Council.

8/ 👏Key UN human rights institutions & Special Rapporteurs are doing impressive work addressing climate-induced harms on human rights
🌪️🌀☀️Given scale of #climatecrisis, the absence of a dedicated mandate fails to meet the stakes & strains the work of other Special Rapporteurs

9/ 📌 47 Member States of🇺🇳HRC must get their acts together urgently +turn the encouragement contained in #HRC47's resolution into real action
⌛️There is no time to waste to address human rights impacts of climate change.
➡️A dedicated Special Rapporteur wld help tremendously

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