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Humanist , Voice of voiceless , Experts= me. Islamist , views are my own , athlete by profession , wolf by nature, blocked by most of #BJP IT cell

Jul 14, 2021, 7 tweets

#Taliban presented blood of 1000s of fighters to get into the position they are today.
This wasn't a simple and easy victory, this is achieved by sacrificing the blood of 100s leaders who were backbone of Taliban moment. I will try to preset list of few leaders

Ihsanullah Ihsan was one of the few founding members of Taliban, he was captured alive and beheaded by US backed Hazara militia during early months of #US invasion on Afghanistan

Mula Dadullah was also one of the few founding members of Taliban, he resisted #US invasion for months, later he started resistance and hit and run attacks, he was the most famous and dangerous commander of #Taliban . He was killed during #US raid in 13 may 2007

Mula Sangin Fateh was was famous for raids on #US and ANA posts and ambushes on #US convoys . He captured US soldier Bowe Bergdahl who was later released in prisoner exchange, He was killed in a drone strike in north Waziristan in 5th September 2013

Badrudin Haqqani was son of Jalaldin Haqqani and brother of deputy chief of Taliban Siraj ud din Haqqani AKA khalefah . He was commander of Taliban suicide bombers and responsible for most of attacks in Kabul , he was killed in a drone strike
In pic he was with Bowe Bergdahl

Shiekh Dost Muhammad was Governor of first Noristan and then entire eastern Afghanistan , he carried out few of the biggest attacks on US bases , one of which resulted in killing of dozens of US and AfghanArmy soldiers, #US president Bush also mentioned the attack in his speech

Abdul Manan was Governor of a Helmand, he was commander of Red unit of #Taliban . He was killed in Helmand in 2th December 2018

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