Glenn Greenwald Profile picture
Journalist; Author; Host, @SystemUpdate_; Columnist, @Folha; Founder: @TheInterceptBr; Co-Founder: @theintercept, @abrigo_hope, @FreedomofPress, @idm_org. Vegan

Jul 15, 2021, 8 tweets

The part of the media that feigns anger at misinformation is uncritically promoting a story today by Luke Harding that Russia was blackmailing Trump -- the same Harding who has published many false stories, championed the Steele Dossier and claimed Trump was long a Russian agent.

It was Harding who published was one of the most sensationalized stories of the Trump era: that Manafort repeatedly met Assange in the Ecuadorian Embassy. It was utterly fabricated. Everyone knows it's bullshit, never happened. Yet the Guardian has never corrected or retracted it

Now suddenly, Harding claims he obtained leaked, highly sensitive Kremlin documents that just so happen to prove all the lies he's been peddling for years, that not even Mueller's huge team found. Because it advances liberals' interests, journalists are uncritically spreading it.

I will once use this shabby behavior to against highlight 2 points:

1) The contempt and loss of trust people harbor for the corporate media is completely justified and well-earned.

2) These outlets are by far the most prolific and destructive disseminators of disinformation.

So many journalists who claim to be angry about disinformation and fake news never object that the Guardian -- to this very day -- keeps this Harding story that everyone knows is a fabrication on its site, and never retracted or even corrected it. That's because they're frauds.

I'm watching now as one journalist after the next spreads this Luke Harding story. They have no idea if the documents are real. They know he is one of the west's most dishonest, reckless reporters. They don't care. The story helps their political agenda. That's all that matters.

The corporate media deserve this. Don't feel shy or ashamed to express your contempt for them. They've earned it. They have completely corrupted journalism and spread lies casually and frequently. No skepticism about what they say is too much:…

Countless liberal corporate outlets spread this CIA lie weeks before the election -- acting as CIA stenographers because they were that desperate to manipulate the outcome of the election. Why would you trust them ever again?…

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