Michelle Dooley Mahon (mdm) Profile picture
Writer Truth Matters #AuDHD ✍️📚🎤📖✍️🎥✍️📷📽️🎧

Jul 15, 2021, 12 tweets

I can't keep up with my 91 year old Da Tom
Every time I call over he's out
We're in an ongoing battle over the @Wrangler jeans I bought him for his 91st
I've cut the tags off, burnt the receipt & draped them over his armchair
now we wait
I presume this is me, drawn after a row 😏

These are not the @Wrangler s
He found them in the hot press during lock down
God only knows when they were bought
Born in 1930 he wore a shirt & tie and a suit every day for his entire life.
#Jeans at 91

Tracked him to the mountain.
He changed his car last week.
I don't know the make, model or reg but it's red.
And smaller than the gigantic thing he bought when he was 90.
He only has Sid in the back anyway.

Teeth out.
"You're the image of your Granda Rossitor!"


That front camera is a dinger for jowls btw

I went to get Sid in the roasting lashing rain.
They were both out.
On the mountain, again.
Or standing at my Mother's grave wondering where the dahlia bulbs are.

"Christ Almighty there's 4ft of flowers on the grave!"


Did you do that says he.

Siobhan did it says I without a blink.

He's glued to his phone.
And is on Facebook and Instagram which is like a newspaper every day for a generation who bought newspapers. He does The Irish Times crossword and drinks @JamesonIreland every night.
He prays for a young mind.

I get pms from strangers telling me they met him and how lovely he is.
One was a beauty salon supply company where he was trying to buy a hot wax jar.
For waxing?
- "No, for the arthritis in his fingers while he's playing the violin, he read the warm wax helps" says the girl

He's some boyo.
And I'll bate him into the #Wranglers or die trying.
Watch this space
You can listen to him playing the fiddle with @MHayesmusic on the #mdmpodcast at

#episode4 #saddlethepony
#amwriting #newyorkdiaries

The begging worked.

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