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Founder of People For Chelsea (on hiatus). The former pres of Mexico thinks I have good taste in food. "The single worst account on all of Twitter."-D. Sirota

Jul 15, 2021, 6 tweets


Nailed it.

Just post after post, aggressively mocking the 'coup hysterics'. And just like with their Russia takes, 100% audaciously wrong.

Lol remember when Trump retweeted Michael and his reaction to it was.......'haha this actually proves even more that there's no coup'.

And of course it wasn't just Mikey. His mentor, big brain genius Glem went hard on the 'no coup, you hysterical libs' too

These people literally got every single thing about the Trump era wrong, while declaring victory; from his policy 'instincts' to the Russia stuff to this. Your average #resistance boomer lib sharing grainy facebook memes got the Trump era way more on the nose than these guys.

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