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Author, consultant, motivational speaker. Biggest social media slut in mobile. A mAd vidiot, F1 fan, globetrotting digital gypsy 007 wannabe. The T Dawg

Jul 16, 2021, 9 tweets

Second thing. What was Qevin McCarthy doing meeting Trump? It is early case study that illustrates the GOP nightmare that is Donald Trump

When they said this meeting is about 2022 election, we know that is not it. Both will lie instinctively to hide the truth.

Qevin was in NJ to meet Trump to discuss the Jan 6th Committee. The appointments. Qevin (and GOP) are at loggerheads with Trump. It is a lose-lose situation. But Qevin (and GOP) will face this same nightmare again, and again, and again going forward into 2022 and 2024 (and 2028)

Qevin thought he was doing what was best for GOP by refusing to name any GOP representatives to the House Select Committee on Jan 6th (Pelosi's Committee). She had foreseen this, made the rules give her TWO extra seats. She gave one of her extra seats to Liz Cheney the Republican

That appointment by Pelosi of one Republican to the Select Committee makes it technically a bipartisan committee. Qevin has lost. Now Qevin NEEDS to appoint all missing GOP seats, so that there is some GOP balance in the hearings or hand valuable TV time to DEM causes

Now Qevin is in a lose-lose situation. Any person Qevin nominates, that is reasonably sane to carry GOP messaging, rather than Trump messaging, will be hated by Trump. And then attacked by Trump. Then that SITTING Republican will suffer in 2022 midterm elections

But Trump is totally under no obligation to Qevin or GOP. He wants loyalists who don't care about America or the truth or democracy. He wants the most extreme fighters who will defend TRUMP and Trumpism in those hearings, at cost of anything else. Turn it into a circus

Qevin's next problem is that Pelosi can veto any nominee by Qevin, if Pelosi thinks that nominee will turn the hearings into a circus. So she will block any of the lunatics Trump would want, like Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Three Names, Louie Gohmert or Lauren Boebert

Qevin's mission is to find 'extreme Trumpist moderates' to pass Trump's approval, before nominating them to Pelosi. And to first get Trump's blessing and promise that Trump will not destroy those 'RINOs' attacking them mercilessly in the coming year

(good luck with that, Qevin)

Trump will be mad that he cannot get his people on the Committee. Qevin will end up blaming #MoscowMitch McTurtle, and say, they had negotiated a deal where both sides could nominate their own people without a veto by Pelosi. Expect Trump to increase his anger aimed at Mitch :-)

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