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Citizen Journalist. Patriot. Follow me on Instagram: https://t.co/eOp5y4U32F telegram: https://t.co/9Jf4JXFph1 Owner of @jmctrustandwill

Jul 20, 2021, 10 tweets

@mdeperno and I have received several responses to the email I sent to all MI County Clerks.

I will share them here.

Ann of Midland County states this, "This is not an order signed by any judge therefore I will not be forwarding this anywhere. Have a good day."

Jill from Manistee County agrees with Ann.

Patti from Lake County says "I am still waiting on an opinion from our County Attorny….."

These next responses are much more concerning. (For context read the Cease and Desist letter)

Carol of Dickinson County states "I have not and the maintenance is going ahead as scheduled."

Julie at Iron County admits, "Iron County is also going ahead with the maintenance as scheduled."

It appears that even though these Clerks have received this Cease and Desist letter, some are choosing not to comply.

Here is the excerpt of the Cease and Desist Letter.

I have the original emails and they are true and authentic, under penalty of perjury.

It appears that important data as we speak is being deleted.

This needs some serious attention.

I'm not finished yet.

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