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Jul 20, 2021, 5 tweets

Thread of retailers announcing they will stop stocking @benandjerrys ice cream. Adding as we receive them.

Meanwhile, please continue to support @BenJerrysIsrael 🇮🇱.

@benandjerrys @BenJerrysIsrael Kosher Kingdom Food Market
Aron's Kissena Farms
Cedar Market
Gourmet Glatt

Morton Williams
Glatt Express Supermarket
Shalom Kosher

Kosher Shop Delight NY
Market Maven Baltimore
Everfresh Supermarket

The Pomegranate Market
Aroma Kosher Market

The Kashrut Authority of Australia and NZ have now removed the Kosher certificate of Ben & Jerry's starting this week. Products still bearing the hechsher remain kosher.

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