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Jul 20, 2021, 8 tweets

Texas C19 Fatality reporting RE: Delta Variant.


This will be a thread, no way to put it in 1 tweet. Fatalities are reported by Date of Death. Death Certificates arrive to the State over time. This arrival can be charted, below is charting from Aug 20.

1/n Stay with me

Every day, the state reports the number of fatalities, but each day's report is comprised of anywhere between 1 & 60 days worth of fatalities. Each Death Cert takes a different amount of time to process.

Again from August, the report for 8/23. This goes on every single day.


Going back to the Aug 20 arrival charts, I charted every day's report. Basically if a day is X number of days in the past, Y% of the deaths have come in for it.

Today minus 14 days - 57% of the fatalities have been reported for that date.
- 21 Days - 79%
- 28 Days - 90%


So bring that to the fatality reporting for the Delta Variant. Here is the fatality reporting for yesterday, overlaid with hospitalizations. They've always tracked closely. But look at the last 3-4 weeks, its diverging! Well, no. Its not. At least not yet.


I can use my arrival chart from August to project what days 7-28 will look like. Side by side, here is the chart in 4/n zoomed in for the past few weeks, next to me projecting what it likely will actually end up being using the arrival percentages


All to say that based on a limited sample of Aug 2020, I project we will start seeing a slight increase in fatalities following the hospitalization curve. This is not necessarily a function of lethality of Delta. Its more a function of processing of death certificates.


If the processing has gotten more efficient, then perhaps we don't see this projected increase.

But in summary: We haven't had a day above 25 fatalities since June 2. Lowest since this all started. Its likely going to climb some from here.

Facts and Data over fear.



I'm recording my projections so I'll be able to see over time how good they were. I've been doing this long enough, I'll end up being close.

I do see in the charting that fatalities are clearly lower in relation to hospitalizations than they were in 2020.

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