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'Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did & it never will' - Frederick Douglass #FuckMusk #FuckTrump #FuckReformUK Occasionally on

Jul 20, 2021, 12 tweets

Fuck Andrew Neil's shit-stirring hard-right propaganda hate-rag, the @spectator.

And fuck Andrew Neil's shit-stirring hard-right propaganda hate-channel, GB "News".

The toxic bastards who fund this crap help to demonise the good guys & support the nasty selfish lying bastards.

Marcus represents the very best of British. The
@spectator, GB "News", much of the press & the Govt represent the very worst. They fear successful, decent, honest & altruistic role models - it's completely alien to them that people choose to help others, rather than themselves.

Yesterday 96 more lives were needlessly lost, today we're told UK journalists could face prison sentences of up to 14 years for stories that 'embarrass the Govt', & tonight @BBCNews went full Farage about migrants crossing the channel.

Britain resembles a failed fascist state.

And as for hard-right NUMPTY Andrew fucking Neil, he's one of deregulated free market capitalism's most powerful & vocal #propagandists - the catastrophic & divisive economic system which brought us the global financial crash, grotesque wealth inequality, & the climate crisis.

As Murdoch's lackey he was a nasty bastard, & his shitrag the Spectator relentlessly pukes out divisive #propaganda, deliberately outraging & polarising, demonising decent people while defending actual neo-Nazis & sucking up to vile authoritarian bastards like Viktor Orban.

Since parting ways with Murdoch, he's attempted to cultivate the character a 'maverick outsider' - is he fuck. I'm not sure that outside of the Royal family it's possible to be any more establishment than this charlatan. And as for the company he keeps...

Here he is spouting shite about climate change:

And as for fucking GB "News", funded by hedge funders & vulture capitalists who thrive on chaos & division, & adored by racists, they slagged off Guto Harri for taking the knee then appointed king of the racists Nigel Farage!

It IS Britain's Fox News.

The bastards downplay racism, went for Southgate & the England team, & now they're gunning for Marcus Rashford, a young working class black man who's done more good in the last few years than all those horrible arrogant bastards combined. These vile twats can all just FUCK OFF.

And here he is tonight, RTing fellow grotesque freak Julie fucking Burchill. To think I once watched the bellend on TV. Andrew Neil now symbolizes everything wrong with Britain. Bollocks to him.

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