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Jul 20, 2021, 7 tweets

@PickardJE The issue isn't that Turkey had a stalled EU application.

No. The issue here was a simple racist, xenophobic message:

74 million turks (and 'terrorists'!) -> πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

Using Racism & xenophobia to instil fear every step of the way.

@PickardJE Look! If Turkey joins, Syria and Iraq will be 'flooding in' too! More brown muslims! #VoteLeave and save the nation from them.

@PickardJE There was a danger people may not have spotted the inference, so they made it clearer:

Look at those red countries. Syria!! IRAQ!!!!! COMING HERE!!!!!!!

And it's going to be "a deal"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Evil EU, plotting to flood blighty with terrorists)

@PickardJE And it's just the sort of evil plot you'd expect of the EUSSR, which, as you can see, 'wants to kill our cuppa'.

Terrorists flooding in. Tea banned! #VoteLeave

This was all Dominic Cummings. You're right. Remainers hated it.

@PickardJE Dominic Cummings sprayed this filth across the nation and into the minds of a population whose minds had been prepared for infection by years of xenophobic right wing scare stories.

@PickardJE Just a game to Cummings:

"we only got [Boris Johnson] in [@10DowningStreet] because we had to solve a certain problem, not because he was the right person to be running the country"

That problem? Crushing the last chance to put Brexit reality to the people via #PeoplesVote.

@PickardJE @10DowningStreet They say the ends justify the means, the means in this case being:

- Win a referendum on a campaign of lies
- Subvert Parliamentary democracy
- Dupe the people into political choices which will make their lives worse

To what end?

What was achieved for us? For our enemies?

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