Jay Pattanaik Profile picture
I have positions in the posted charts, so I may have a bias. Don't ask me the target or SL, I post charts to challenge the accuracy of my predictive analysis.

Jul 21, 2021, 6 tweets

Price-volume relationships can tell, 4 major things. A study of volume bar is a must to confirm candle patterns.

BO trades may not be cutting it in the present market as reversal trades take the spotlight. Join me as we explore the conditions for a successful reversal trade with a live example.
#reversaltrading #Breakout_Failures #Technical_Learning

Conditions for Taking Reversal Trades:
#reversaltrading #Breakout_Failures #Technical_Learning

Have a look at the live trade of #NAVKARCORP and match the above conditions.
#reversaltrading #Breakout_Failures #Technical_Learning

Difference Between Reversal and Pullback.

Do not forget to differentiate between reversal & pullback trades.
#reversaltrading #Breakout_Failures #pullbacktrading #Technical_Learning

In technical analysis, consolidation and volatility contraction may seem alike, but there are important distinctions. Check out this handy table for the details. #technicalanalysis #consolidation #volatilitycontraction

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