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Nov 13th 2022
How, over the past 40 years, U.S food supply chain has become concentrated in hands of a few large multinationals, which serve as middlemen in everything from seed genetics to hog processing to supermarkets. Do we want such a business model in India; think hard, do we ?
~From 1975 to 2015, Market share of 4 largest beef packing firms increased from 25% to 85%.

~From 1988 to 2016, Market share of 4 largest soybean seed firms increased from 42% to 76%.

~From 1976 to 2015, Market share of 4 largest hog processing firms increased from 33% to 66% !
~From 1997 to 2018, Market share of 4 "top grocers" increased from 25% to 44%.

~~From 1988 to 2016, Market share of 4 largest corn seed firms increased from 59% to 85%.

~6 brands acct for half the global chocolate market, an asymmetrical market that favors only buyers & traders
Read 35 tweets
Sep 30th 2022
How, over the past 40 years, U.S food supply chain has become concentrated in hands of a few large multinationals, which serve as middlemen in everything from seed genetics to hog processing to supermarkets. Do we want such a business model in India; think hard, do we ?
~From 1975 to 2015, Market share of 4 largest beef packing firms increased from 25% to 85%.

~From 1988 to 2016, Market share of 4 largest soybean seed firms increased from 42% to 76%.

~From 1976 to 2015, Market share of 4 largest hog processing firms increased from 33% to 66% !
~From 1997 to 2018, Market share of 4 "top grocers" increased from 25% to 44%.

~~From 1988 to 2016, Market share of 4 largest corn seed firms increased from 59% to 85%.

~6 brands acct for half the global chocolate market, an asymmetrical market that favors only buyers & traders
Read 25 tweets
Apr 18th 2022
Cheeseburger in U.S, explains bigger grocery bill of American consumers. they r seeing food prices rise at the fastest rate in decades. Supply chain snarls, labor shortages & climate challenges (plus the conflict in Ukraine) share the blame, but the main culprit is #Consolidation

Beef costs 16% more Vs March 2021.

Tyson, JBS, National & Cargill have been accused of increasing prices on meat products while keeping rancher profits low, they control over 80 % of the beef supply chain.

4 companies owning 80% beef supply is "pure" consolidation guys !

US port congestion has hampered bread bakers, who were waiting longer for those products. 50 input costs had jumped by double digits as of Jan, including hikes in the prices for wheat & natural gas reqd to power ovens. this was before Ukraine crisis, a major wheat exporter
Read 12 tweets
Jan 21st 2022
#AfricaTech #Reflections: Where we might go from here?
2021 gave us many reasons to celebrate. More startups. More money. More deals. More global and local investors. Feels like the stage is set. But is it? And even if yes, what can we expect?
Few pre-weekend thoughts - long 🧵👇
1/ Reading this great piece from @fcollective – was a good reminder of value creation and the fact it is measured over time and not just on the first fundraising rounds.
2/ A giant drop in public markets tech multiples across the board + eye-watering pre-seed & seed valuations – are a reason to stop & think.
Is this a sustainable track and the best way to embark in '22 onwards?
Or are there frameworks to help #AfricaTech grow healthier & better?
Read 22 tweets
Jan 10th 2022
5 Most Used Indicators by Swing Traders:

A Thread (🧵)... (1/18)
1. Moving Averages: The most simple indicator out there, used by both amateur, as well as experienced #Swingtraders! This indicator takes into account the closing prices of specific periods and Averages them out👇 (2/18)
Periods may be categorized into short, medium, or long-term! For example, a 7-day, 50-day, and 200-day #MovingAverage may be considered👇
Read 18 tweets
Dec 5th 2021
How, over the past 40 years, U.S food supply chain has become concentrated in hands of a few large multinationals, which serve as middlemen in everything from seed genetics to hog processing to supermarkets. Do we want such a business model in India; think hard, do we ?
~From 1975 to 2015, Market share of 4 largest beef packing firms increased from 25% to 85%.

~From 1988 to 2016, Market share of 4 largest soybean seed firms increased from 42% to 76%.

~From 1976 to 2015, Market share of 4 largest hog processing firms increased from 33% to 66% !
~From 1997 to 2018, Market share of 4 "top grocers" increased from 25% to 44%.

~~From 1988 to 2016, Market share of 4 largest corn seed firms increased from 59% to 85%.

~6 brands acct for half the global chocolate market, an asymmetrical market that favors only buyers & traders
Read 12 tweets
Jul 21st 2021
Price-volume relationships can tell, 4 major things. A study of volume bar is a must to confirm candle patterns. Image
BO trades may not be cutting it in the present market as reversal trades take the spotlight. Join me as we explore the conditions for a successful reversal trade with a live example.
#reversaltrading #Breakout_Failures #Technical_Learning
Conditions for Taking Reversal Trades:
#reversaltrading #Breakout_Failures #Technical_Learning Image
Read 6 tweets
Apr 22nd 2021

"Greta Thunberg... WHO is grateful for your generosity in donating €100000 to @thewhof in support of #COVAX..."

Perplexed. What #WHO #Foundation?

Dec 8, 2020: "health expert Anil Soni has been appointed as the 1st CEO of the newly launched The WHO Foundation..."
The #WHO #Foundation - is not part of the WHO. It operates "alongside" the WHO.

Soni joined the Foundation (Jan 1, 2021) from #Viatris, a global #pharmaceutical corporation.

Nov 18, 2020: #Pfizer's Upjohn spinoff completes merger w/ Mylan to form new generics giant #Viatris.
"Before joining the #WHO #Foundation, he was Head of Global Infectious Diseases at #Viatris, working across the #pharmaceutical co... Anil has been a senior advisor to the #Gates #Foundation & Born Free Africa. He is an alumnus of #McKinsey..."
Read 6 tweets
Aug 19th 2020
Tweet Thread: #COVID19 & the economic crisis increase the risk for more health care #consolidation – resulting in ⬆️ health care prices #NASHCONF20 (1/)
The #consolidation of physicians into vertically integrated health systems increased substantially from 2016-18. In 2018, nearly *half* of primary care drs were affiliated with health systems #NASHCONF20 (2/)…
.@NASHPhealth's new report by @efusebrown explores the increased financial pressure for vertical consolidation, its financial impact on states and consumers, & state policies for addressing the coming wave of consolidations (3/3)…
Read 3 tweets
Apr 28th 2020
Missed #COVID19nCancer plenary in #AACR20 @AACR?
Here’s a thread to catch up on all the fascinating global research presented by:
@AACR @AACRPres #AntoniRibas #LiZhang @marinagarassino @barlesi #CarlosGomez #LouisVoigt #HongbingCai cc:@OncoAlert @COVID19nCCC @ASCO @ASH_hematology
#1: Chinese Experience by #LiZhang and #HongbingCai

More evidence of increased prevalence of #Cancer among #COVID19, ~2% similar to what we found in our #metanalysis @ASCO_pubs #JCOGO here:…
#LiZhang described 35.7% required mechanical ventilation and significant risk factors for severe outcomes on #multivariate analysis was recent #cancertreatment and #consolidation on CT
Read 12 tweets
Apr 1st 2020
Long Thread [Alert]

1/n Something big is up at @binance. First @Poloniex, then @steemit and now @CoinMarketCap. If we go by the reported news on the @TheBlock__ , this could be worth $400 Million. Assuming that it is not an #AprilFoolsDay prank...…
2/n Over the last 12 months, @cz_binance has acquired at least three companies - @BinanceJEX, @WazirXIndia, and @dapp_review. Looking at the big picture, it is a notable development as @cz_binance mops up the key players in the #decentralized fundraising space
3/n If you're looking to develop a #dapp, your best best is soon going to be the #Binance Blockchain. Why? Because it tacitly lets #developers know that it has the most well-oiled machinery in the much muddied #crypto space.
Read 11 tweets

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