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Investigative reporter @CalMatters | | dm for Signal | 🇲🇽

Jul 21, 2021, 18 tweets

Thread on the #BootlegFire #wildfire in Oregon

Katy O’Hara says the fire is large it’s creating logistical issues.

This incident base at Chiloquin is at the western edge of the fire, where most of the containment is.

Many of the firefighters are camping closer to the Fire.

“We can’t risk the drive time” says O’Hara

At Chiloquin high school, about an hour from the fire, a vendor sells “Bootleg fire” shirts and other souvenirs

The town of Bly, Oregon

Remnants of a flame #oregon #BootlegFire

Near Beatty, Oregon remnants of the wildfire #BootlegFire #OregonFires

The American west is on fire #OregonFires #BootlegFire #wildfire

This burned out tractor was left on the side of the road #OregonFires #BootlegFire #wildfire

On the road to level 3 evacuation zones #OregonFires #BootlegFire #wildfire

The bootleg fire is currently burning 395,463 acres or 617 sq miles #OregonFires #BootlegFire #wildfire

The Oregon national guard is blockading roads into level 3 evacuation zone, they are closed to the public.

One rancher driving in and out, trying to evacuate his horses. #OregonFires #BootlegFire #wildfire

A strike team from New Mexico waits to start their night shift #OregonFires #BootlegFire #wildfire

Rob Barr leads a New Mexico strike team. He explains how they use their engines to “mop up” smoldering fires. #OregonFires #BootlegFire #wildfire

Rob Barr explains the different aspects of fighting a wildfire

The New Mexico strike team readies to go out into the fire

Firefighters prep their packs at a forward operating base in Bly, Oregon

Firefighters listen to a briefing before going out on night shift.

They work in 16 hour shifts, on a 14-day rotation.

The forward operating base provides firefighters with a 5,000 calorie daily diet, hot breakfast and dinner and a cold sack lunch.

I am out of Bly for the night, but I’ll be here all week.

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