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Jul 21, 2021, 11 tweets

@elonmusk : "I own #Bitcoin . @Tesla owns #Bitcoin.
@SpaceX owns Bitcoin."

@Jack Dorsey
"We are still fairly early" in #Bitcoin
"I want a currency that is standard and sound - for (use on) the Internet"

@CathieDWood @ARKInvest
"#Bitcoin is a global rules-based system. [Scarcity and store of value means] purchasing power WILL go up globally around the world" with Bitcoin

"I think that having sound money that is separate from the state and corporation is the idea - separation from the corporations and states is what gives it strength. #Bitcoin is precious, and it is unique."

@elonmusk "Lightning is doing well in some small countries. Bitcoin by itself cannot scale to be the monetary system for the world - at the base layer. But with a second layer, that is possible."

@elonmusk "I would like to see #Bitcoin succeed"

@elonmusk : "SpaceX and Tesla own Bitcoin. I own Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Doge, but my biggest holding is Bitcoin"

"and we're not selling"

Until today, we did not know that @SpaceX holds #Bitcoin on its balance sheet.

I wonder if this is a direct call-out to @MaxKeiser
"We're not selling"

"One idea, would be to put a bitcoin node in SpaceX Starlink terminals, so that way more people would be running bitcoin"

@ElonMusk: "Actually...I ran this by the team"

h/t @DocumentingBTC

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