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Jul 22, 2021, 8 tweets

no-Fs-to-give Liz Cheney is what America needs right now OMG did I just type that #maddow

Qevin McQarthy @GOPLeader refusing to participate is like your rancid-MAGA drunk uncle not coming to Thanksgiving dinner #maddow

Liz Cheney jammed McCarthy through the woodchipper twice just to be sure #maddow

note how Cheney never mentioned Qevin @GOPLeader by name

“minority leader” only #shade #maddow

Gym Jordan as “material witness” leads me to remind y’all that 6 Jan is an ongoing *conspiracy* #maddow crankyyank.com/2021/02/06/fbi…

did Gym Jordan get Presidential Medal of Freedom for “his contribution to wrestling”? #maddow

Tom Barrack was treasoning in UAE *the same day* as Tr_mp Tower meeting #maddow

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