Kevin McKernan Profile picture
Cannabis Genome Project,2011. SOLiD sequencer. R&D lead Human Genome Project at MIT/WIBR. Founder- Medicinal Genomics.

Jul 22, 2021, 9 tweets

Watch the long list of dishonest virologists shill for Tony to protect their field from getting hyper regulated and restricted.

This is protectionism.

No biggie...
Just shuttled some S genes around to see which ones will kill monkey cells.

Let’s do this in a BL2 lab over in China while it’s outlawed here in the States.

In all of my publishing career, I’ve never seen a paper get edited 5 years later to remove references and flip the meaning of critical sentences.
This is a panicked attempt to cover.

Well, at least they had the ethics committee look over the animal rights.

Wonder what else they should have thought about?

Nothing to see here.
“Tony is right. Dr. Paul is wrong.”

Why would this respected virologist dig their heels in like this?

Maybe this is a hard statement to back off of.

This is also hard to Ignore.

I tried to engage Daszak on this but I was blocked in 2 words.

Looks like Twitter isn’t letting him have any part of this white-washing.

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