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A boring person who likes stuff. This year’s themes: Dragon Ball, Kinnikuman, Avan

Jul 22, 2021, 13 tweets

May 15th, Age 767: after three days of rest, Goku recovers from his heart disease (a week earlier than Trunks expected). The situation may be dire, but Goku knows the perfect place where Vegeta and Trunks can finally spend some quality father/son time together... #HistoryofEver

Speaking of quality time, Goku and Chi Chi get a nice moment together in the anime, sharing a kiss far too hot to actually show on screen. Or include in the canon, for that matter.

Alright, so…in the original manga, Goku and Chi Chi are never shown kissing. In DBZ ep.147 they share an offscreen kiss (they later made a figurine based on this). In the DBS anime and manga, Goku claims never to have kissed his wife. Draw your own conclusions.

Trunks initially estimates Goku’s recovery time as roughly 10 days, but in fact the narrator says a total of three days pass, at which point Goku wakes up. Accordingly, the Daizenshuu 7 timeline dates this to May 15th, three days after all the excitement on May 12th.

(Compare Goku’s early recovery to Vegeta’s surprisingly rapid recovery in the Namek arc, which allows him to catch Zarbon and Appule off-guard)

And what’s Vegeta been doing during these last three days? Standing around staring off into space. Sounds stupid, but apparently this is key to visualizing how to surpass Super Saiyan. Now if only he had a good place to train…

As Piccolo and co fruitlessly chase after Cell, the androids reach Goku’s house but find he’s not home. They decide to go see if he’s at Roshi’s instead. We next jump forward to nearly a day after Vegeta+Trunks entered the time chamber (gee whiz, I wonder how this’ll play out?)

According to Trunks, Vegeta surpasses Super Saiyan after only about two months in the room (so four hours on the outside). Eventually, Trunks obtains a power even greater than Vegeta’s…or so he thinks. In truth, his new transformation turns out to be more trouble than it’s worth

Trunks surmises that Vegeta avoided this powerful-but-slow Super Saiyan form because he recognized its drawbacks. The Super Saiyan guide included in the Trunks TV special animanga likewise notes that Vegeta is apparently capable of this transformation.

Meanwhile in movie land, DBZ Movie 7 (Android 13) theoretically happens around now. Daizenshuu 6 places it between Gero’s death and Cell becoming perfect, while noting that it can be called “the events of a parallel world” since Goku should be either sick or at the time chamber.

The manga’s android history chart tantalizing describes 13/14/15 as pretty close to complete (compared with Gero’s other failures), a possible nod to the movie. Much later, Toriyama avoids mentioning them at all in one of his Full Color manga Q&As.…

Toriyama provided the character designs for 13/14/15, but no plot details for the film (as was the norm pre-BoG). It seems that early on 14 was numbered as 15 and vice-versa, but this was later changed for God knows what reason.…

Tomorrow: the enemy of the good!

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