Brandi Buchman Profile picture
Legal/Justice reporter @huffpost. Writing a book. 1/6 is my domain+ OK, PB trials. Bylines: @lawcrimenews. @emptywheel. @dailykos. @CourthouseNews. @27east.

Jul 22, 2021, 6 tweets

#BREAKING Chairman of the select 1/6 committee, Bennie Thompson, names the senior staff investigating the attack on the Capitol: David Buckley, Kristin Amerling, Hope Goins, Candyce Phoenix and Tim Mulvey.

David Buckley will serve as staff director. He is an expert in insider threat protection and previously served as inspector general for the CIA.

Kristin Amerling will serve as deputy staff director & chief counsel. She is the former deputy counsel for the DoT & once served as chief counsel to the House cmtes on Energy/Commerce plus Oversight; she oversaw probes into Hurricane Katrina, '08 fin. crisis and the War in Iraq.

Hope Goins to serve as counsel to the chairman. She's currently the staff director for the House Homeland Security cmte. Serving as Thompson's top advisor for a decade +, she's supervised congressional probes into the fed response to Covid-19 and threats from violent extremists.

Candyce Phoenix to serve as senior counsel/sr. advisor. She's the current staff dir. for the House subcmte on civil rights/civil liberties and is @RepRaskin's top counsel. She is an expert in reviewing domestic terror threats and served as a counsel during Trump's 2nd impchmnt.

And Tim Mulvey will serve as comms director. He is a senior spox and strategic advisor to Eliot Engel, chair of the House Cmte on Foreign Affairs. He's a former speechwriter for the State Department.

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