Malgorzata (Gosia) Gasperowicz Profile picture
Developmental biologist, researcher. Makes COVID predictions that (so far) come true. Wants Canada to eliminate SARS2, #CleanTheAir & prevent #LongCOVID

Jul 23, 2021, 6 tweets

We can’t vaccinate our way out of the pandemic.
We need both: Vaccines AND Public Health (PH) measures.

It was barely possible w/ original variant (A). W/ Delta, both PH measures and vaccines became less effective (B). But combined – they may still work.

Theoretical model:


Even if vaccines are only 60% efficient against transmission & only 75% eligible people (64% total) get vaccinated, by combining PH measures & vaxx we may still be able to control the spread (C). Barely.



But if by allowing the reckless spread we culture a variant 2x more transmissible than Delta → our current strategy (i.e. acting only when ICUs get full) won’t work anymore.
Our tools: PH measures & vaccines will not be effective enough to quickly halt the exp. growth (D)


Delta is our wake up call.
Our tools still (although barely) work against it.
We urgently need local and global COVID elimination strategy.
@WHO @DrMikeRyan @mvankerkhove @GovCanHealth @CPHO_Canada


Real life experiment demonstrating that vaccinations *alone* don't stop Delta growth. UK (54% total population fully vaxxed), Israel (61% pop fully vaxxed, w/ Pfizer), Netherlands (46% pop fully vaxxed) 👇

Plus: When there are cases → there are hospitalizations.

Addition to tweet #3. We don't need to wait for a variant w/ R0 = 12.
A variant w/ R0 = 8 might be already uncontrollable.

H/t @DGBassani

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