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Dissecting dubious claims around the pandemic origin, mainly from the pro-zoonosis crew.

Jul 23, 2021, 8 tweets

Were 4 Americans involved in a Chinese PsyOp against the US?

1. It all started in May when, for the first time, China hawk @amymaxmen agrees with an Uighur Genocide denialist then publishes in @NatureNV Chinese propaganda and disinformation on @DavidRelman and #drastic.

2. Maxmen quotes @angie_rasmussen's false allegation that racist Kevin McCairn is the same decent @KevinMcH from #drastic. They claim McCairn's attacks were inspired by the @DavidRelman group's letter in @ScienceMagazine asking for the lab leak hypothesis be seriously considered.

3. @angie_rasmussen's past work was funded by the Deptartment of Defense and now at @georgetown_ghss also by the FBI. How their values can be compatible with her anti-Semitism, harassment of other scientists with unfounded racism claims and a pro-China stance remains a mystery.

4. Days later, Amy & Angela coordinate to harass #drastic. Same day a pro-China troll attacks Angie. She plays the victim, claims she's stalked in real life. When she's told that user tweeted same threat to others, she blocks them. The ladies then shift the blame on Drastic.

5. Right2vote100 is also dddeeeeeeeee. He used same tweet to attack those criticizing China and called Fauci’s FOIA emails a conspiracy. He also instigated doxing police officers. In real life it seems he sells filtration systems for labs like those @angie_rasmussen worked in.

6. Same month, @Columbia @profvrr Racaniello, Rasmussen’s mentor & a regular on China Global TV, accuses same @DavidRelman of demanding more origin investigations. and the US Gov of politicizing the investigations. It's noteworthy he has received at least 67 NIH grants!

7. Few days later, the Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian quotes @profvrr Racaniello's earlier China Global TV attacks on Relman & the US Gov, to accuse the US of politicizing the science & condoning threats on scientists like @angie_rasmussen.

8. For these 4 Americans the campaign was a first & they likely coordinated. They focused on @DavidRelman, of the Intelligence Community Studies Board, who put the lab leak hypothesis on the table. @Ayjchan & @jbloom_lab were actually harassed by @angie_rasmussen. Not vice versa!

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