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Jun 13th 2023
1. OK, the Lab leak CLUEDO game is nearing its finale

Ben Hu, Yu Ping, and Yan Zhu now identified (likely by an ex-State Department source) as the 3 sick WIV researchers in November 19.… Image
2. We researched these particular scientists

(as we did with all WIV staff in 2020 and 2021)

3. I think everyone is familiar with Ben Hu and his work

(involving bat coronaviruses and hACE2 mice)

Read 39 tweets
Jun 11th 2023
You know the details, but the narrative is well put together by the Sunday Times Insight team

"What really went on inside the Wuhan lab"

Fresh evidence drawn from confidential reports reveals Chinese scientists spliced together deadly pathogens..…
2. Earlier Report by Same Team

@JCalvertST Editor of @thesundaytimes Insight investigations team & @Arbuthnott Deputy Editor

"Was the Covid theory about a Wuhan lab leak right all along?"

The FBI’s intervention shows the tide turning
3. The Sunday Times Investigation Team

@Arbuthnott @JCalvertST @philipsherwell

were one of the first to seriously examine the research of DRASTIC as shown in this July 2020 investigation:
Read 4 tweets
May 17th 2023
The @SenMarcoRubio Report is Out!

Two Page Executive Summary…

329 Page Full Report to Read…

10 minute Video Introduction

Media Analysis (2)

Washington Times
Read 13 tweets
May 17th 2023
I believe that New Year's Eve will be the perfect time for their great surrender
But they don't remember

Read 4 tweets
May 1st 2023
I was also obliged to block about 30 accounts which followed me who RTed a recent thread by "fake moon landings, fake meat, magnetic vaccines" fraud @Jikkyleaks attacking #DRASTIC and making absurd claims.

See for yourself


Read 11 tweets
Apr 25th 2023
Watching the Detectives

One year later and a novel vaping illness emerges and 2 Fairfax nursing homes have a "mystery" respiratory outbreak. Image
Read 14 tweets
Apr 23rd 2023
1. Part of our #DRASTIC struggle since 2020 has been against the Scientific & Academic elites who dominate discourses

Especially so, when most of the groundwork was done by anonymous accounts or researchers without specific credentials in certain fields
2. Logic & The Search for Truth

This shows that LOGIC & the SEARCH FOR TRUTH can not be the prerogative of these elites to the detriment of ordinary citizens.

Especially so when state cover ups & agenda driven cabals are involved, e.g.

The Origins of Covid-19 and GOF research Image
3. "The Paris Group"

Certain #DRASTIC members were not permitted to even sign open letters or have our names listed as members of the Paris Group, our contributions were ignored and our research output became unmentionable!…… ImageImage
Read 9 tweets
Apr 18th 2023
1. Muddy Waters Group Investigation Executive Summary of Final Report, 21 Pages (2023)…

2. Muddy Waters Group Investigation Final Report (302 Pages, 2023)…

3. Earlier 35 Page interim Report (October 2022)…
References to #DRASTIC in the Report 1

Reading it now but going through the endnotes first (as usual ;)

21. Ian Birrell. (2021). Is ‘Patient Su’ Covid’s Patient Zero?. The Daily Mail.…

(that article was based on our work, especially that of @gdemaneuf
References to #DRASTIC in the Report 2

Endnotes 66 -70

Found by #DRASTIC and the patents by our former colleague @interne41914499 then published in detail our reports on ResearchGate along with the discovery of bat cages at WIV… Image
Read 48 tweets
Apr 12th 2023
Good summary of the Lanzhou Brucellosis Leak & Chinese Biosafety Issues, finally, after 3 years! or gifted link see below

My March 2020 Tweet with 1 Like from @uacjess


#DRASTIC credited, Thanks @mbalter !

According to the inspection report, obtained by DRASTIC, lab conditions were “crowded and chaotic,” with “experiment and living area ... not separated” and “chemical waste and household waste mixed.”

The "LAB report WUHAN UNIVERSITY 2019" linked in the article was uploaded by yours truly many moons ago! Image
Read 7 tweets
Mar 30th 2023
1. As you are aware, I wrote some detailed investigative threads on the claims about US Bioweapon Labs in ex-Soviet countries bordering Russia

I was not ready to dismiss the claims without examining them carefully which many refused to do.

Now I will share US counter claims
2. Recent Opinion Piece in @washingtonpost

Presenting the US point of view…
3. A more weighty attack on the Russian Claims

By Milton Leitenberg

False allegations of biological-weapons use from
Putin’s Russia (19 Page PDF)…
Read 38 tweets
Mar 25th 2023
1. @VBruttel is retiring from Twitter but will keep his account open for archival purposes

He has done a lot of useful research & contributed to many interesting discussions in our #DRASTIC chat groups since 2020

He will be sorely missed!

Here are a few tweets to bookmark
Read 5 tweets
Mar 21st 2023
1. I just read the new "report" by 13 infamous US based researchers, 2 from UK & Canada & 1 each from France, Belgium & Australia.

A 5 👁️- NATO collaboration ;)

Genetic evidence of susceptible wildlife in SC-2 positive samples at Huanan Seafood Market
2. What I noticed...

Does it really take 15 NIH Grants to put lipstick on a raccoon dog?
Read 45 tweets
Mar 3rd 2023
1. Articles about the origin of COVID-19 (listed in reverse chronological order).

from @BiosafetyNow @Bryce_Nickels
2. Articles about laboratory accidents involving dangerous pathogens (listed in reverse chronological order).…
3. Articles about enhanced potential pandemic pathogen (ePPP) research (listed in reverse chronological order).
Read 4 tweets
Feb 7th 2023
Hammond is among 19 biologists, biosecurity experts, & activists leading Protect Our Future

5 including @R_H_Ebright , were also founding members of the Cambridge Working Group, which in 2014 called for a pause in risky NIH-funded GOF studies on creating dangerous human viruses
Read 25 tweets
Dec 21st 2022
1/ This thread will quickly cover the recent report by the House Intelligence Committee, which aimed to review the Intelligence Community's response to the COVID-19 outbreak:…
2/ But before I dig into it, let me set the expectations right:

👉🏼That report is not about the origins of Covid-19.

It is first about the work of the Intel Community (IC) 'once' the outbreak was public at end December 2019.
The origins question is touched on only indirectly.
3/ Then it is about the use of the Trump administration of the intel it was presented with, especially via the President's Daily Briefs.

This, in theory at least, to highlight "where responsibility for our poor outcomes lie, and where it does not".
Read 40 tweets
Dec 6th 2022
Well worth a read for several reasons which will become clearer after reading it ;)

The Truth about Wuhan by @AGHuff

How I (helped) uncover the Biggest Lie in History ImageImage
A recent interview with the author

3. Identified as a POI in July 2020 (Thread)

Read 14 tweets
Dec 3rd 2022…

De #FauciFiles: de ongecensureerde e-mails van Anthony Fauci.

Over de rol van @MarionKoopmans, @c_drosten en Ron Fouchier bij het in diskrediet brengen van de #lableaktheorie, en het promoten van de #zoönosetheorie.

Omdat de referenties ontbreken bij het artikel, zet ik die hier neer.

Over eerdere lableaks:

A Review of Laboratory-Acquired Infections in the Asia-Pacific: Understanding Risk and the Need for Improved Biosaf…
De verklaring, opgesteld door Peter Daszak, in @TheLancet:

Statement in support of the scientists, public health professionals, and medical professionals of China combatting …
Read 21 tweets
Nov 25th 2022
1/ This thread discusses my recent study on the number of 2019 onset cases and its suppression by the Chinese authorities.

That study ended up validating the SCMP leak of gov data (257 Dec 19 cases), with an implication for Nov 19 cases.

2/ That study was mentioned in a recent Washington Post Opinion from the Editorial Board, available here:

A companion spreadsheet is here:
3/ Before we proceed:

The numbers here are all traceable to data from peer-reviewed papers from very experienced Chinese teams, one of them directly involved in the cleaning and populating of the official database for the CDC.

You could not ask for better sources of data.
Read 34 tweets
Nov 24th 2022
De teleconferentie van 1 februari 2020 over de origine van #SARSCoV2: de puzzelstukjes vallen bijna allemaal op zijn plaats.

Ik waarschuw maar vast: dit wordt waarschijnlijk de langste twitterdraad ooit die ik zal schrijven.…
De conferentie waar @MarionKoopmans, Ron Fouchier en @c_drosten een beslissende rol speelden in het naar voren schuiven van de zoönosetheorie.

Met grote dank aan @JamesCTobias voor het losweken van de notulen van deze conferentie...
...en de erop volgende e-mails van de verschillende deelnemers.

Deze waren tot voorheen zwartgelakt en dus was onbekend wat de deelnemers aan argumenten voor en tegen de #zoönosetheorie en #lableaktheorie waren.

Dat weten we nu wel.
Read 111 tweets
Nov 17th 2022
The tireless work of #DRASTIC highlighted by @wapo

"The coverup is immense and still in place. China should now agree to a full and thorough scientific investigation that returns to Wuhan. This black box needs to be opened"

Thanks @gdemaneuf great job! ImageImageImage
The related paper by @gdemaneuf built on the hard work of many contributors over the last year, and can be read here:

Arrested Development:

The number of Wuhan cases of COVID-19 with onset in 2019

Also available on ResearchGate

Get downloading!…
Read 9 tweets
Nov 3rd 2022
1. It has been and is a long struggle!

If you care to review the widespread international media coverage of the relentless work of #DRASTIC over the past 34 months, you will appreciate how it helps explain this powerful outcome in terms of global opinion.

We did good, friends!
2. More recent media coverage (Summer 2022)

3. Earlier media coverage (scroll back from Tweet 227)

January 2021 to January 2022

Read 10 tweets
Oct 23rd 2022
I just finished @DavidQuammen new book, Breathless. David does a great job making the case for a zoonotic origin of #COVID19 but a poor job presenting the alternate hypothesis of a potential lab accident origin. My further thoughts in the thread below. 1/…
David has been transparent in stating he does not feel the lab origin hypothesis deserves full attention. In his TWIV podcast, he suggests it merits about 10% attention, vs 90% for zoonosis. 2/
It's fair for David to have this bias, even if I do not believe it supported by the available evidence. Although @mattwridley & @Ayjchan presented both sides in their (excellent) book Viral, some accused them of leaning toward the lab hypothesis. 3/…
Read 25 tweets
Oct 1st 2022
1. Always a pleasure to see early work of #Drastic cited, in the Annals of Global Health:

"Covid-19: Early Cases & Disease Spread"…


The paper covers much of the same ground as ours…
2, Of Interest, something which I did not know:

"The French ‘Ordre des médecins’ was alerted in Nov 2019 about a China infection outbreak that was later named SARS-CoV-2 Covid-19. An article published in April 2022 in its official bulletin reported this important information"
3. The specific mention of the November 2019 French warning is mentioned by Dr. Bruno Boyer of @ordre_medecins and can be found on Page 8 here:…

There is an inactive Twitter account

Maybe @gdemaneuf could get clarification?
Read 9 tweets
Sep 26th 2022
1/9 Congratulations to the @washingtonpost for being a finalist in the '3M Truth in Science Award', part of the 2022 Online Journalism Awards (#OJA22).

That piece was about a young Chinese female scientist who had sequenced SARS-CoV-2 by 27 Dec 2019.
2/9 The WaPo piece is based on #DRASTIC research.

I unearthed a bunch of very interesting blog entries by that scientist who wrote as 'Little Mountain Dog'.
We (DRASTIC) translated them and put them in context.

Here is the write-up of @OJA22.…
3/9 With a nice recognition of our work:
Read 9 tweets

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